
Showing 131 - 140 of 198


Taxing my patience

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 04/03/2013

» It's that time of year again, and there's nothing humorous or light-hearted I can think of in relation to this topic.


The gods must be crazy

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 25/03/2013

» Thailand's a wonderful place to live because we're never without colourful and exotic things happening on a daily basis.


A bridge too long

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 01/04/2013

» I have confirmed proof that the increase in the minimum daily wage has had an adverse effect on business in Bangkok, leading as well to a lack of workforce.


Green with envy

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 08/04/2013

» I'm sure there are people out there who aren't aware that there is a 500-rai tract of lush green land sitting smack in the middle of the city.


Hitting the roof, rolling on the floor laughing

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 15/04/2013

» I love Thailand. It's truly the Land of Smiles. This was especially true of the front-page news last week describing the bungled casino raid by detectives and policemen from Tao Pun Police Station on the infamous Tao Pun casino.


Maintaining charm in the face of progress

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 22/04/2013

» I recently spent a couple of days during the Songkran break in Hua Hin. I'll take any excuse to go to Hua Hin since it feels like a second home to me.


Suffering to salve some inadequate male mojo

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 11/03/2013

» Meetings of Cites delegates from all over the world have been taking place in Bangkok during the past week and, for the sake of all our endangered wildlife, I hope that something concrete and positive comes out from it all and that they don't just settle for a few more signatures on a few more documents generating a few photo ops and headlines for the international media.


A great and powerful world close to home

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 18/03/2013

» The beautiful thing about this column is that I never know what I'm going to write about until I actually sit down in front of the computer and see a blank screen. Then my mind is automatically kick-started into reviewing all the things I read, heard and saw over the past week, like your life passing before your eyes _ or what I can remember of it, at least.


Say cheese

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 07/01/2013

» One thing you have to say about the proliferation of social networks is that they have spawned a whole new generation of people whose sole purpose in life is to take photos of themselves and post them for others to admire.


When the crows' cruel footprints get too much to bear

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 04/02/2013

» I hate to admit it, but I've reached the age where you begin to wonder whether the Fountain of Youth really exists, and whether there really is a Pillar of Fire hidden in the dormant volcano somewhere in middle of Africa where H. Rider Haggard's Queen Ayesha gained immortality.