
Showing 21 - 30 of 198


Thumbing your nose at traffic signs

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 17/08/2015

» The other day a friend of mine asked a taxi driver to drop her off near an intersection. She planned to cross the road to get to the other side, but the taxi driver, being the dear sweet gentleman that he was, insisted on dropping her off on the side she wanted to go, though it meant going a long way further to make a U-turn. To her surprise, he made a quick U-turn right at the intersection. 



Taking time to smell the roses

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 29/06/2015

» If travelling helps you grow as a person, then my growth must have been stunted over the past five years when I laid low and concentrated on my house reconstruction and other distractions.



Parting is such sweet sorrow

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 06/07/2015

» Saying farewell is probably one of the hardest things to do in life. This past week has been one of parting and farewells and there is nothing sweet about it, contrary to Shakespeare's beautiful lines; only a heavy heart.


Winded by internet windfalls

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 13/07/2015

» I’m going to be rich! Or, to be more precise, I’m going to be rich if I believe all the e-mails that are sent to me.


Frog in a slowly boiling pot

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 20/07/2015

» The current dry season, which is said to be the driest in a century, has put everyone on red alert. Threats of tap water rationing have already got some people stocking up on drinking water and buying giant plastic water bottles to store water for use in the home.


Everything changes, yet remains the same

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 27/07/2015

» Change has come to my neighbourhood and I'm going through a bit of a nostalgic mood.



Mother of all challenges

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 04/05/2015

» I was at a mega shopping complex one day, having a quick bite at a Scandinavian-style cafe with high tables and tall stools. Three young sisters, aged between four and eight I imagine, were seated at one long table, enjoying their meal. Their parents must have been nearby, but not seated with them at that particular moment.



No place for sissies

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 11/05/2015

» There is no way around it. Nothing has occupied as many of my thoughts and emotions over the last week as my birthday. How self-centred can I get?



In search of the muse

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 18/05/2015

» You would think writing a weekly column is a cinch. There must be so much to write about — things that happen in the world, things that happen in your life, things that occur around you. That's probably true, yet sometimes it's agonising to sit in front of the computer, staring at a blank screen and finding nothing of substance to write about.


Playing the numbers game

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 25/05/2015

» The death of revered monk Luang Por Koon last week was eye-opening in many ways.