
Showing 71 - 80 of 81


Boost from an unlikely source

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 27/01/2012

» There was a small but uplifting news from the criminal court last Friday _ an unlikely place to expect such news.


Service charge reaches tipping point

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 23/03/2012

» One of the world's forever-favourite words must be "Friday". For many, this evening and the ensuing weekend will be a time to dine, wine or even indulge oneself with a spa, massage or any of the other pampering services that Thailand is famous for. Let's say, whatever you end up doing, you have a good time. Good food or excellent service from hospitable, dedicated staff, for example. What are your habits when the tab arrives?


The spirit of The Lorax is in us

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 16/03/2012

» What is your all-time favourite cartoon?


Seeking public opinion of my profession

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 02/03/2012

» What is your judgement towards journalists? Bad attire, below par mannerisms, ferocious watchdog or simply a dog that barks at anything that moves _ even a windswept leaf?


Making a big deal of the female card

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 09/03/2012

» I am a big fan of German chancellor Angela Merkel. However, I know the character of this German leader is less exciting compared to "The Iron Lady" (former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher), Nobel Peace prize-winner Aung San Suu Kyi of Myanmar, or even Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, whose rise and fall in the motley Philippine politics plus the silicone breast implant saga, make her life an ideal script for a blockbuster movie.


Dams and deafening

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 17/02/2012

» Once in a while, Yingluck Shinawatra does something that makes sense to me. Since becoming prime minister she has tended to turn a deaf ear to criticism and her below-par response to last year's deluge certainly didn't inspire much confidence in her leadership skills, but I recently found myself nodding in agreement with something she said. She declared that she is going to give the highest priority to reforestation and the digging of small ponds as flood-prevention measures.


Take a walk on the right side

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 10/02/2012

» Everyone who can drive might take this rule to heart. You have to take the left lane when you slow down and use the right lane when you want to speed up. You do the same when you drive in certain countries such as Britain and do the opposite when you drive in the US. That is the rule, with a penalty if you break traffic law. You are risking your own _ and others' _ safety, having your driving licence confiscated, a fine or even facing criminal charges if you and your vehicle are involved in an accident.


Monopolising spaces of freedom

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 03/02/2012

» My first day as a student at Thammasat University was quite endearing and full of eerie memory. Walking in the university for the first time, I saw more than just buildings. I was struck by the famous funny-shaped Dome Building and the size of the campus that is far too small for its own legendary fame. For me, almost every inch in the varsity has been shaped by memories of the October massacres in the 1970s.


Don't believe the doom mongers

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 06/01/2012

» At last, the Bhumibhol Dam did not collapse before midnight on Dec 31, 2011.


Why shark fin soup is sinful

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 20/01/2012

» Little by little, Chinese New Year, an event once celebrated here solely by people of Chinese ancestry, has become part of mainstream culture. Many Thais now don red shirts (and not for political reasons) at this time of year and perform rituals such as giving one's house a thorough spring-cleaning before Chinese New Year's Eve and not doing any household chores during the festival period.