
Showing 21 - 30 of 81


The only safe bet is none at all

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 18/06/2014

» What was your first World Cup betting experience? Mine was during the 1982 Fifa World Cup, in the memorable final between Italy and West Germany. Am I a natural-born gambler? Absolutely not. I’m not even a football fan; I was just got carried away by the experience. The 1982 Cup, which was held in Spain, was special for Thais as it was the first time we could watch matches live on TV. I was overwhelmed enough to spend my 500 baht savings — a huge sum of money at that time! In 1982, there were no rampant bookies or online betting sites. People mostly gambled among friends and family. I placed the bet with my cousin. She chose Italy and I went for West Germany.


Forgotten questions, important answers

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 20/05/2014

» Have you forgotten Forget Me Not?


What a waste

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 09/04/2014

» Tourism on Samet Island seems to have fully recovered since last year’s oil spill. My friend recently went there and many are planning to spend their long weekend on the island during the upcoming Songkran holiday. I still question the long-term impact of the leaked crude oil that caused an environmental disaster last July. I still want to know who will cover the clean-up expenses — our tax money or the energy titan PTT? Leaving my doubts aside, I have to praise all attempts by the authorities to clean up and return the island to its appealing self. The Pollution Control Department (PCD), Energy Ministry and the Navy worked together to restore the ecology of the beach and reputation of Samet. For me, the oil spill case shows that our authorities can be proactive about cleaning up contamination — if they want to.


Time to look past the spin

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 04/03/2014

» I always love monitoring how politicians make use of media to distribute their messages or reinvent their image. But much more interesting is how people respond to these spins. In my humble opinion, people — voters — love politicians who can entertain them, a kind of man who can make them laugh, whom they can associate with. People seem to forget that these politicians are meant to serve, not to entertain, nor to bond with us.


Stagingmy own protest

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 06/12/2013

» Sundays have always been my time of repose. My perfect Sunday is comprised of staying home and watching television mindlessly _ game shows, variety shows, slapstick gigs and low-budget soaps. Anything. But my bubble of carefree Thailand was pierced and blown away last Sunday, after protesters from the People's Democratic Reform Committee attempted to take control of free TV stations. PDRC protesters demanded that channels 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and Thai PBS run only news of political protests and link up their signal to Bluesky, the mouthpiece of the Democrat party and de facto backer of the protests.


Out of the mouths of babes

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 29/01/2014

» For the last two months I have been woken up by an unusual alarm the sound of a whistle, interspersed with an unknown song from a electronic organ amateurishly played by my young niece. The six-year-old girl has ritually practised her tune in the morning.


My black coffee,my black heart

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 01/11/2013

» Coffee _ black and strong _ is my morning ritual that enables me to stay awake and ready for the day.


The rise of the bourgeois tree-huggers

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 27/09/2013

» If you can comfortably label yourself a "greenie" or "tree-hugger", the scene of thousands of similarly environmentally-concerned citizens gathering at Bangkok Art and Cultural Centre on Sunday would have made your eyes well up with tears of joy.



No light in the cultural tunnel

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 23/08/2013

» Once in a while there will be good news from the Ministry of Culture.


Perhaps we should leave our monks alone

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 17/07/2013

» What does the Buddhist Lent season, which will start next Tuesday, mean to you? Is it just another national holiday? Or is it a special event to commemorate and pay tribute to Lord Buddha?