
Showing 61 - 70 of 71


Thaksin needs to make the sacrifice

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 07/11/2013

» Why should Thaksin Shinawatra make the sacrifice? It is because the amnesty that would whitewash his corruption convictions could very well lead to social upheaval. It could possibly lead to chaos and bloodshed. This is a road Thailand can ill afford to go down.


Are you are a Thai Choey too?

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 05/11/2013

» The current popular uproar manifested in street protests and the countless messages posted in the social media is not just about the blanket amnesty bill.


Mutiny over amnesty hard to believe

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 25/10/2013

» My first reaction was disbelief when I saw this headline, "Thaksin stares down mutiny over amnesty" on page 3 of the Bangkok Post newspaper on Friday.


Will the govt listen? Not likely

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 03/09/2013

» Three distinguished foreign guests made thoughtful remarks about conflict solving and reconciliation at the international forum held in Bangkok on Monday -- Priscilla Hayner, senior adviser to the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, former British prime minister Tony Blair, and former Finnish president and Nobel Peace prize winner Marti Ahtisaari.


The making of a 'husband-and-wife' parliament

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 20/08/2013

» As public attention is diverted to the much-hyped political reform forum, the government is attempting to amend the charter to transform the Senate into yet another tool to fulfill its ambition of complete control of parliament.


We can't afford another political crisis

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 06/08/2013

» The war drums have been sounded by both the pro- and anti-Thaksin camps ahead of the parliamentary debate starting Wednesday on the contentious amnesty bill and, probably, the even more explosive reconciliation bill, which would absolve all wrongdoers in political conflicts, including the Man in Dubai


Sweet triumph for the 'garbage' and for transparency

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 28/06/2013

» The Central Administrative Court's ruling there must be public hearings on the 350 billion baht water management megaproject contracts before they go ahead should serve as a reminder to the government to be more transparent and more respectful of the public in the future.


The mysterious men in black

Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 11/04/2013

» When analysing politics we should connect the dots as far as the dots (or our intellect) go, rather than stop at whichever dot satisfies our moral righteousness and ignore the rest. And we should be mindful of imaginary dots



Wrong election forecasts a lesson for pollsters

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 05/03/2013

» To err is human. But to err on the scale of the wrong predictions made for the Bangkok governor’s election by all but one of the major pollsters is not just an embarrassment, it's a disaster for their credibility.


Big Jiew flip-flops on reconciliation

Veera Prateepchaikul, Published on 27/03/2012

» Having announced his political retirement some months ago, Gen Chavalit Yongchaiyudh re-emerged out of the blue with an open letter in support of the KPI's reconciliation proposals. And then, just as quickly, he backed off -- explaining the time was not right for him to speak out.