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Why so unpatriotic?

News, Published on 12/01/2024

» Re: "Please Come Back", (Editorial Cartoon, Jan 11).



What's in a (soi) name?

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 24/06/2022

» At the front of practically every soi in Bangkok, you'll notice a pole with a blue sign with white letters at the top proclaiming its name. However, if you look closer you may find many sois in Thailand can brighten your day with their curious names. Here are a few for your entertainment.



Covid-19 Terminology

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 10/04/2020

» Are you a covidiot or a covidient? You can probably guess the meaning of both portmanteaus. The former is used to describe people who disregard social distancing and other rules regarding the Covid-19 pandemic that have been put in place while the latter is the opposite and comprises of "Covid-19" and "obedient". Hope you're all the latter.



555 Headlines

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 29/11/2019

» Looking at your newsfeed can give you a sense of doom and gloom these days. Venice faces its worst flood in 50 years. Koala becomes "functionally extinct" because of the (at the time of writing) ongoing bushfires in Australia. Another Thai factory was shut down and workers were laid off en masse. If you need a break from bad news like I do, you're in luck. Here are three funny headlines -- unintentionally or not -- to lift up your mood.



Three new maxims for surviving the next era of tech

News, Farhad Manjoo, Published on 30/11/2018

» Nearly five years ago, in my very first "State of the Art" column, I offered a straightforward plan for how to survive what was shaping up to be a turbulent time in the tech world.



Two hats not good

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 07/10/2018

» When Bangkok got too noisy because of all the criticism about cabinet ministers taking advantage by openly playing politics unfairly, the general prime minister escaped to the North on another scrupulously non-political trip to give away money and be photographed with every local personality and housewife within 20 kilometres.


Mind your passwords

Life, James Hein, Published on 25/01/2017

» Google, Facebook and Apple are the names of a few companies working on artificial intelligence (AI). I don't mean the kind of AI that simply teaches machines to be useful to humans, though that is also being done everywhere. I mean the self-aware kind. After so long at it I think the bigger organisations are locked in a series of dead end paths. Instead, I predict the first breakthroughs will come from small, even one-man operations thinking outside the cube. As an aside, when it comes to the search giants like Google or Yahoo and social media sites like Facebook, they all have their biases so the results you see may not be all that comprehensive, balanced or accurate.



Modern parents are sophisticated, love is timeless

Life, Usnisa Sukhsvasti, Published on 27/10/2014

» There seems to be a baby boom on Facebook at the moment. The younger generation of adults are cooing goo-goo ga-ga over their little bundles of pink and wrinkled Mini Mes.



Khon Kaen shows regime out of touch

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 25/11/2014

» Symbols alone won't topple a regime, especially if that regime is a fully armed, militarised one. The National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) should know that.



Postbag: High performance puzzling

News, Published on 12/10/2014

» Please forgive my lack of modesty. I get quite a smug feeling when I complete all three of the Bangkok Post crosswords at the weekend. The English-style cryptic on Saturdays is quite different to the American-style, two of which appear on Sunday. I think the description of "easy" for the smaller of the two Sunday offerings is flippant at best.