
Showing 1 - 2 of 2


Sustainable scraps of common sense

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 04/06/2015

» Last month may well be remembered as a watershed moment in the fight against our ignorance and gluttony-driven food consumption. The good news that might set precedent in the future is about French councillor Arash Derambarsh, who succeeded in passing a law to solve the food waste problem in France.


7-Eleven, eggs and me — it's complicated

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 31/10/2014

» What is the first dish that you learned to cook for yourself? Mine was a boiled egg — kai tome yang matoom (medium soft-boiled egg) — back when I was in elementary school. I cooked it myself because my family found I was too picky with food. They decided to let me boil my own egg after I complained that others' boiled eggs' had textures and yolks that were too soft or too hard. I was taught to add salt to the boiling water and time it for four minutes, no more or less. I became quite good at it. My boiled eggs are soft enough to be cut with a small thread of string.