
Showing 1 - 10 of 51



Are scientific breakthroughs on the decline?

News, Published on 27/12/2023

» This year had barely begun when scientists got some jolting news. On Jan 4, a paper appeared in Nature claiming that disruptive scientific findings have been waning since 1945. An accompanying graph showed all fields on a steep downhill slide.


The reason why I still have Jackie on my mind

News, Maureen Dowd, Published on 06/06/2023

» I think about Jackie Kennedy several times a day.



Consultancy 'warp' drive deepens crisis of capitalism

News, Published on 13/03/2023

» In recent years, McKinsey & Company has become a household name -- but for all the wrong reasons. One of the "Big Three" consulting firms, its work for major corporations and governments has increasingly become a source of scandal and intrigue around the world.


Honour models for democracy

News, Editorial, Published on 18/12/2022

» Since the 1998 ouster of the dictator Suharto -- who ruled Indonesia with an iron fist for over three decades -- the world's fourth most populous nation has undergone a series of rapid changes. Once dependent on foreign aid to exercise its basic functions, Indonesia has firmly established itself as a major economic player in the Asia-Pacific region, with the distinction of being the only Southeast Asian economy to be included in the Group of 20.


It is what it is … whatever it might be

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/05/2022

» An expression which is increasingly heard these days on television and in political comment is the rather cryptic "it is what it is". Not exactly an illuminating observation, and it prompts the question, "But, what is it?" Apparently it means a certain situation that cannot be changed however much you want and carries an element of resignation.


The mantra of never complain, never explain

News, Maureen Dowd, Published on 20/09/2021

» What ever happened to the good old-fashioned art of "owning it?"



Bureaucracy still baffles

News, Published on 25/07/2021

» All the requirements of bureaucracy in this country have not changed in more than 100 years.


The cuckoo-clock tune that went to No.1

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/05/2021

» It was amusing to see that the UK entry to the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend attracted a grand total of zero votes. However, singer James Newman shouldn't fret too much as not getting any votes is almost a badge of honour in this annual festival of kitsch where music takes second place to gaudy, garish, glitter.


Early encounters with the Nite Owl

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/10/2020

» A few words on former colleague Bernard Trink, who sadly passed away last week at the age of 89.


The everlasting appeal of Mrs Peel

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 20/09/2020

» I was saddened to learn of the death of actress Dame Diana Rigg at 82, best known by people of my vintage for her role as Emma Peel, the dynamic comrade of dapper secret agent John Steed in the idiosyncratic BBC series The Avengers. Rigg only appeared in two seasons, 1965-67, but she certainly made her mark, displaying a winning combination of charm, fashion, sophistication and martial arts. She was particularly proficient at karate chops.