
Showing 71 - 80 of 83



Abusing my religion

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 26/07/2013

» The monastic community in Thailand has been plagued by so much bad news during the past few months. As we know, most of it relates to the improper behaviour of some members of the clergy.


Shuffling off this mortal coil

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 21/06/2013

» 'What would you do if you knew that you're going to die soon?" This question might draw indignant looks from some people who believe that talking about death is a bad omen. But for many, such an uncomfortable subject may provide some inspiration.


Friend's coming out provokes attitude change

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 14/05/2013

» Back when I was a child, I had some issues with my gender. I have a twin brother, you see, and I always wanted to be a boy just like him.


Alcoholic holidays? It's a no-brainer

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 11/04/2013

» The Songkran festival runs from tomorrow until next Wednesday. This gives us a longer-than-usual holiday to have fun with the Thai New Year celebrations this year.


Understanding a holy scandal

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 08/03/2013

» No news is good news. The saying is true especially when we are encountering a series of unpleasant accounts. And for me, a scandalous story surrounding monks is what I don't wish to hear at all.


Learning to treasure the value of virtue

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 24/01/2013

» It's been almost three weeks and Channel 3 is still keeping mum about what they did to our favourite Nua Mek 2. Despite pressure from the public for an explanation, questions like "Why did you ban the series?" and "Which parts of it did you see unfit for airing?" are still hanging in the air.


When skeletons come tumbling out of the cupboard

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 13/12/2012

» There is no secret that will not be revealed. Everybody knows this well. But, for whatever reason, most people still choose to keep some kinds of secrets to themselves for as long as possible.


To avoid lying, look to the Lord Buddha

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 13/09/2012

» Anybody who has never told a lie in your life please raise your hand. What? Too unrealistic? Sorry. How about we narrow it down into a certain number of years, months and days instead? This way I'm sure we will see more and more hands shooting up in the air with a hint of pride on many faces.


Forget revenge, learn forgiveness

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 11/10/2012

» Sept 29 and 30 this year must have been one of the most depressing weekends in decades for Buddhists around the world. That weekend there was a news photo showing a Buddha statue standing amid wreckage, with rows of coconut trees in the background. My heart sank and I immediately wanted to know which temple in which part of the world had been hit by a cyclone.


Show some respect for our Lord Buddha!

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 25/07/2012

» I believe all of us must have had someone whom we hold in high regard and don't wish to see him or her being insulted in any way. It feels good to see other people show him or her respect the same way we do but we can't help feeling offended if they do the complete opposite.