
Showing 51 - 60 of 83


In the name of love

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 17/07/2015

» Love is cruel. It makes us feel on top of the world only to find out that the world can collapse at anytime.


Where life meets science fiction

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 13/05/2015

» How long do you expect to live? Do you wish to have eternal life? These might be silly questions, but I believe many people's curiosity was piqued following two unlikely stories that hit the headlines last month.



Thaksin, dhamma and Instagram

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 16/06/2015

» I've hardly paid attention to stories about former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra since he fled the country many years ago. My interest was piqued late last month, however, when I learned about his passport drama on social media.


True enlightenment cannot be worn

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 07/04/2015

» 'I'm very fortunate to be born as a human and to have come into contact with Buddhism." Every time I hear this, I feel happy for the person who says it, although it's not often I come across someone who truly sees the value of the religion. It takes faith to inspire us to take up Buddhist doctrines, but faith alone can't direct us to the essence of the principles, nor necessarily guarantee we reap the benefits.


Focus not on the scandals

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 04/03/2015

» Many Thai Buddhists are having a hard time staying calm following incidents in the monastic community that have gripped the nation over the past few weeks.


A coup, crackdowns, corruption and the clergy

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 12/12/2014

» Time flies. I can't quite believe that we will have a New Year party in the coming weeks, as it feels like we just had one. This reminds me of the Thai saying that time always moves fast for happy people.


Spreading the good word

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 28/01/2015

» 'Revenge" is a world I hear frequently in nearly every Chinese martial arts movie. I don't remember how many I watched when I was young, but it was enough to make me learn the famous phrase "nee khaen tong chamra" and make fun of it with my friends.


Modesty — the real feminine asset

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 12/11/2014

» Pretty women are always a sight for sore eyes. Even their peers sometimes can't help admiring — and envying — the gorgeous genes they were born with. But how would you feel if you found out the beautiful lady in front of you was, in fact, a transgender?


The morality of merit-making

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 05/09/2014

» Everyone has the right to believe in what they choose to believe in, and should have the freedom to express it. Regardless of how unreasonable those beliefs might sound, we should respect everyone's rights to have them.


Today's a great day to turn over a new leaf

Life, Patcharawalai Sanyanusin, Published on 08/10/2014

» Today is Wan Awk Phansa,the official end of Phansa (Buddhist Lent). It falls on the full moon day of the 11th month in the traditional lunar calendar and marks the conclusion of a three-month annual retreat during which Theravada monks are obliged to stay in their monasteries and engage in intensive meditation and reflection.