
Showing 11 - 19 of 19


Toying with the idea of a return trip

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 17/04/2013

» My first visit to Japan a few weeks ago amused and amazed me. We witnessed the splendour of sweet, pink flowering cherry blossoms that cover Tokyo and grab the attention of local people and travellers alike.


Sporting spirit takes a timeout

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 31/01/2013

» January should be a good month to start anew or pursue our resolutions. But alas, it didn't seem to go that way in the world of sport, which was rife with reports of poor sportsmanship and nasty players who resorted to antics or negative tactics that went against the spirit of fair play.


Teens gorging themselves to an early grave

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 14/03/2013

» While online weeks ago, I stumbled across shocking photos of South Korean teenagers who publicised their bizarre dining experience: They gorged themselves on French fries piled on trays, taking pictures of their feast _ a so-called "potato party" _ and then posted them on social networks. And they also challenged the world by saying that they don't care about eating such a staggeringly unhealthy diet.


Here's to good health

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 20/12/2012

» Time flies. We are already in the midst of sweet December. Shops and places beautifully decked out with red and green ornaments signal festive holidays are quickly approaching. And shopping at a supermarket now becomes an adventure. A stunning array of attractively packaged goodies is ready to buy and eat. Everywhere I go, there is somebody talking about a family reunion feast, a company party or a cosy New Year's Eve party with friends.


Take control of drugs, don't let them control you

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 07/11/2012

» While most people resort to medicine to treat an illness after the symptoms have become noticeable, a friend of mine regularly takes pills as a pre-emptive measure. Following exposure to rain, even if it was only a brief shower, he'll usually take some type of cold medication, his thinking being: instead of waiting for a viral infection to set in, why not act immediately? This is something his mother taught him. So he keeps a stock of over-the-counter medication, like cough remedies and paracetamol, in his everyday bag and he also resorts to antibiotics at the first sign of a sore throat.


Muscling in on a body of work

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 08/08/2012

» Recently, I attended the opening of a sports and exercise centre where I explored leading-edge sports technology, sophisticated scientific instruments and fitness testing as well as a wide range of exercise-based rehabilitation tools that can help professional athletes keep fit during recovery and also help patients regain faster after bone- and joint-related surgery.


Please get the facts right

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 25/09/2012

» One morning while enjoying a bowl of rice porridge for breakfast and watching a television programme on Channel 3, I heard a female entertainment news co-anchor, who was also a member of the judging panel of a popular TV talent show, report that a Thai actress had made a perfect recovery from a surgery to remove cysts from her uteruses.


Happiness should come from having a healthy body, not a skinny one

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 13/06/2012

» Today, people are more concerned about weight and in particular, appearance, than they are about their health. In order to stay in shape, some go to the extreme.


Healthy thinking full of surprises

Life, Sukhumaporn Laiyok, Published on 17/04/2012

» I recently attended a briefing session for a 2010 report for health and well-being, a survey conducted by Philips involving more than 31,000 people in 23 countries to determine the levels of satisfaction on 17 components related to health and well-being and to assess their overall health and well-being.