
Showing 21 - 30 of 40


Don't blame the rain

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 10/09/2018

» After days of being battered by heavy rain in Bangkok, anyone who isn't sniffling or coughing probably considers themselves lucky. After all, didn't your mother always tell you, "Don't stay in the rain or you'll catch a cold" … "go dry your hair and change your clothes or you'll catch a cold"? Mine certainly did.


Dark enough for you?

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 20/08/2018

» 'Dark tourism" is an interesting concept that did not come to my attention until I watched a Netflix series recently. Few countries actively promote offbeat or slightly dangerous pursuits but it's a niche with potential, if managed carefully -- even if it's hard to explain to your insurer.


Save us from climate deniers

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 30/07/2018

» Are natural disasters happening more frequently or are we just hearing more about them because we live in a communication-saturated world?


Asia gets its kicks

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 18/06/2018

» There was no shortage of excitement in the world last week, what with Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un shaking hands and pledging to work toward peace on the Korean Peninsula. But the number of people tuning in to the "summit of the century" was probably eclipsed two days later when the World Cup kicked off in Russia.


Asia's memorable World Cup

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 09/07/2018

» The World Cup approaches its semi-final round this week minus any African or Asian contenders, but Asian teams did much better than I thought they would. I do not think I was the only observer who erred on the side of pessimism before the tournament started with a record five Asian teams.


America the unwelcoming

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 28/05/2018

» If you saw the recent Asia Power Index complied by the Lowy Institute, you may have been surprised to see the United States ranked above China as the pre-eminent power in Asia in 2018. One major factor giving America the edge was "cultural influence".


Eyes open in Bangladesh

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 07/05/2018

» In many ways, my trip last month to the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka and to the world's biggest refugee camp at Kutupalong was a life- and perspective-changing experience.


Lese majeste law and reality

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 26/03/2018

» The lese majeste law in Thailand is a sensitive subject that most people prefer to avoid talking about. Under Article 112 of the criminal code, anyone can file a lese majeste complaint against anyone else and the police are obligated to investigate every single complaint. The courts can sentence anyone who "defames, insults or threatens the king, the queen, the heir-apparent or the regent" to jail terms of between three and 15 years.


Pyongyang's charm offensive

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 19/02/2018

» A budget of US$2.6 million to ensure red-carpet treatment for North Koreans at the Winter Olympics is just one sign of South Korea's eagerness to revive dialogue with its dangerous neighbour. The North appears equally keen, based on the high-profile visit to Pyeongchang by Kim Yo-jong, the Supreme Leader's sister and Pyongyang's PR queen.


More green space, please

Asia focus, Erich Parpart, Published on 08/01/2018

» Hong Kong covers an area of 2,800 square kilometres with a population of 7.3 million. It has one of the highest population densities in the world at about 6,400 people per square kilometre and rents are the highest in Asia. However, it has still managed to build more than 70 parks for its citizens to find refuge from urban stress.