
Showing 81 - 90 of 348



Plugging the public information gap on the AEC

News, Published on 09/12/2015

» Over the past few years, the Asean Economic Community (AEC) has been one of the most discussed topics in Thailand, as both the private and public sectors enthusiastically anticipate the AEC's kickoff at the end of this year. But do we actually know what the AEC is all about?



Indonesia confronts extremists with their own brand of Islam

News, Ahmad Pathoni, Published on 17/12/2015

» Speaking to a traditional Javanese soundtrack, a Muslim cleric implores: "We invite others to join us in launching a mental revolution."



Thai-Cambodian retreat seals trade and labour deals

News, Patsara Jikkham, Published on 20/12/2015

» Thailand and Cambodia on Saturday signed five bilateral agreements to wrap up the two-day official visit by Cambodian leader Hun Sen, although no deal was reached on energy development and cooperation between the countries.


Uighur 'tied' to Erawan shrine blast

News, Published on 26/12/2015

» Jakarta: An ethnic Uighur arrested in a counterterrorism raid outside the Indonesian capital on Wednesday may also be linked to the bombing of the Erawan shrine in Bangkok in August, police said on Thursday.


Bolstering Myanmar's biosecurity

News, Published on 06/01/2016

» As Myanmar continues its political and economic liberalisation, it has stepped up efforts to join and ratify a number of international agreements. In December 2014, it ratified the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) and, in July 2015, the Chemical Weapons Convention. This highlights Myanmar's seriousness in becoming a responsible and constructive member of the international community.


'Hydrogen bomb' test stirs global outrage

News, Published on 07/01/2016

» BEIJING - North Korea's claim Wednesday that it carried out a successful hydrogen bomb test drew swift condemnation from friends and foes alike.



China, Taiwan and a meeting after 66 years

News, Published on 05/11/2015

» President Xi Jinping of China, and the leader of Taiwan, Ma Ying-jeou, will meet on Saturday in Singapore, the first such meeting since the Chinese Communist revolution of 1949 and the retreat of the Chinese nationalists across the Taiwan Strait.



Myanmar: Slow returns raise concerns

News, Published on 11/11/2015

» YANGON — Myanmar was trapped in a post-election limbo Tuesday with official results barely trickling in, although opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi's party claimed a victory massive enough to give it the presidency and loosen the military's grip on the country.


Apec striving for closer integration

News, Vladimir Putin, Published on 17/11/2015

» The latest Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit will take place Wednesday and Thursday in Manila. This year's summit takes place under the motto chosen by the Philippine presidency -- "Building inclusive economies, building a better world".



Democracy or not, war with ethnic groups continues

News, Anthony Davis, Published on 17/11/2015

» Far from the hoopla and euphoria surrounding Myanmar's national elections last week, it has been mainly business as usual for army units in the country's northern borderlands. At the end of the rains, business as usual centres on preparing for upcoming dry season offensives against ethnic insurgents aimed at improving what the military sees as the real balance of national power.