
Showing 11 - 17 of 17



Define 'referendum'

News, Postbag, Published on 13/04/2016

» Re: "State spies out on prowl for referendum mischief", (BP, April 11).



Lessons from history

News, Postbag, Published on 16/04/2016

» I have just finished reading the third novel in Robert Harris's brilliant trilogy based on the life of Cicero. It's about politicians who struggle to practise and defend democracy, but fail because of the corruptibility and greed of many of them. The politicians are divided, and some favour allowing the all-powerful general, Julius Caesar, to take control of the empire.



Liberalise lease laws

News, Postbag, Published on 29/01/2016

» An argument often heard in Thailand is that to extend leases or grant ownership rights to foreigners would betray sensitivity to the history of colonisation in Southeast Asia. But Thailand has not been subject to colonisation and is seldom seen to be overly sensitive to its neighbours' problems or transgressions, unless they directly impact the kingdom.



Publicity never bad

News, Postbag, Published on 16/02/2016

» Thanks for your brave attempt at clarifying what bridge is and is not (Life, Feb 15). One of the unintended consequences of the saga is that the Pattaya bridge club, small by international standards, is now the most famous in the entire world, with several hundred newspaper and TV reports and tens of thousands of comments on blogsites talking about it. The tale has also made Jeremy Watson (the organiser) and myself (the founder, in 1994) the best-known bridge players throughout the five continents even though our standards sadly fall short of the brilliance usually required for notoriety.



Having it both ways

News, Postbag, Published on 18/02/2016

» The Bangkok Post reported on Tuesday that monks demonstrating at Phutthamonthon have made two demands: Firstly, that Buddhism be declared the official state religion in the new constitution, and, secondly, that the prime minister should stop government agencies from interfering in matters relating to the monastic community.



Same story with Tibet

News, Postbag, Published on 26/02/2016

» Re: "China not in the wrong", (PostBag, Feb 25).



Postbag: High performance puzzling

News, Published on 12/10/2014

» Please forgive my lack of modesty. I get quite a smug feeling when I complete all three of the Bangkok Post crosswords at the weekend. The English-style cryptic on Saturdays is quite different to the American-style, two of which appear on Sunday. I think the description of "easy" for the smaller of the two Sunday offerings is flippant at best.