
Showing 1 - 2 of 2


A song that takes you off the beaten track

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 07/02/2021

» Surfing through YouTube this week, I came across the novelty Australian song I've Been Everywhere, which I haven't heard for a long time. It doesn't have much of a melody, but it's fun, something we could all do with these days. It is also a useful geography lesson.



Champions of net neutrality no more

News, Editorial, Published on 07/02/2021

» 'Many, while performing the foulest deeds, use the fairest words." How fitting that a quote by Greek philosopher Democritus can still describe the hypocrisy of big tech (Facebook in this case) today. While tech titans were quick to "save the day" and permanently silence former US president Donald Trump to prevent further violence before an inauguration, a move welcomed by many, far worse evil is still allowed to spew out misinformation and hate on these very same platforms.