
Showing 91 - 100 of 361



Myanmar soldiers collecting bills at gunpoint

Asia focus, Published on 31/01/2022

» The schoolteacher had just got out of bed when four Myanmar army soldiers pounded on her door. Her electricity payment was overdue, they said, and ordered her to pay it immediately at the government power company office.



Searching within

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 17/01/2022

» At first sight, Anthony Tan doesn't look much like his publicity photograph. His grey hair is short and in the stage of growing back after having been shaved. So are his eyebrows. The explanation? He recently spent some time ordained as a monk.


Hun Sen's Myanmar gamble

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 17/01/2022

» I'm not a fan of Hun Sen, the strongman who has ruled Cambodia for more than 38 years. A co-premier from 1993-97 before seizing power in a 1997 coup, the Cambodian leader has won all subsequent elections while political rivals have been jailed or exiled and critical media crushed. His legacy appears secure now that his Cambodian People's Party has endorsed his eldest son, 44-year-old army commander Hun Manet, as "future prime minister".



'Out with man haters', cry Korean anti-feminists

Asia focus, Published on 17/01/2022

» SEOUL: They have shown up whenever women rallied against sexual violence and gender bias in South Korea. Dozens of young men, mostly dressed in black, taunted the protesters, squealing and chanting, "Thud! Thud!" to imitate the noise they said the "ugly feminist pigs" made when they walked.



Asean needs a Middle Path

Asia focus, Paritta Wangkiat, Published on 17/01/2022

» Despite the economic downturn during the Covid-19 pandemic, China-sponsored infrastructure, trade and cooperation initiatives with Southeast Asian nations have been moving forward consistently -- amplifying the presence of Beijing in one of the world's fastest growing regions.



Labour outlook troubling

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 24/01/2022

» The global labour market has suffered a setback from waves of the pandemic, with the recovery depending on each country's ability to contain and respond to coronavirus outbreaks, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).


Chinese policies hold back growth

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 24/01/2022

» When I first heard a Moody's economist discuss the cooling Chinese economy late last year, it caught my interest but not much. As we have been living with a pandemic for two years, an economic slowdown seems unavoidable, even in the country that has been the world's engine of growth for years.



The power and poison of modern monetary theory

Asia focus, Published on 24/01/2022

» When Democratic Senator Joe Manchin announced that he would not support the Build Back Better Act -- effectively dooming US President Joe Biden's signature legislative initiative -- he cited America's "staggering debt".



Fragile, uneven recovery

Asia focus, Nareerat Wiriyapong, Published on 24/01/2022

» The world has entered 2022 facing numerous uncertainties. After two years of fighting the coronavirus pandemic, the emergence of the Omicron variant now poses challenges to economies even in countries where vaccination rates are high.



Where To Next?

Asia focus, Pattama Kuentak, Published on 10/01/2022

» The world has entered its third year of living with a global pandemic. We have witnessed almost 300 million Covid-19 cases with 5.47 million lives lost, yet the toll might have been much worse but for an almost superhuman global effort to develop effective vaccines in record time.