
Showing 4,761 - 4,770 of 4,781



No rush to pass drug bill

News, Editorial, Published on 01/09/2018

» A string of opposing voices have been heard this past week over the Drug Bill which, if passed into law, will govern the manufacturing, selling, import, registration and advertisement of medicines by the private sector in Thailand.



Thai idols fall in line with orthodoxy

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 01/09/2018

» Poor coup-makers, no one wants to see them on TV. At 6pm sharp when the theme song begins, there's a rush of hands to the remote control. Not that you can escape them. The true mark of dictatorship is audiovisual dictatorship: They beam their images on every TV and radio channel, monopolising your sensory reception, like a sci-fi movie, or like a spoiled child demanding your full attention. At 6pm every day for the past four years, the hands clutching the remote have reached for the only possible button. Off.



Pesticides betrayal

News, Published on 01/09/2018

» Re: "HSC eases its farming chemical ban", (BP, Aug 31).


Govt sincerity on migrant rights faces fishing pact test

News, Published on 01/09/2018

» It has been one year since Thailand's last debacle on migrant worker policy. Yet, Thailand finds itself once again at the crossroads where domestic constituents are debating whether to advance the protection of migrant workers in the fishery sector.


Is Aussie political madness catching?

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 29/08/2018

» I happened to be in Canberra last Friday, speaking to a room full of journalists at the National Press Club, when the news came in, halfway through lunch, that Australia had a new prime minister. The moderator pointed out that the year is already two-thirds gone and it is "only three prime ministers till Christmas" -- and the China Daily's headline read "Australia changes its prime minister again, again, again, again, again".



New turning point in climate fight

News, Published on 30/08/2018

» Next month, the Global Climate Action Summit -- one of the largest international gatherings on climate change the world has seen -- will be held in San Francisco.



Can the media shed its polarised colours?

News, Grant Tudor, Published on 30/08/2018

» On his flight home to Bangkok in February 2008, Thaksin Shinawatra exhorted, "When the game is over, we must come together and settle our differences." Nearly 10 years later, regime leader Gen Prayut Chan-o-cha offered a similar plea: "[Thais] must talk to one another and find a way of uniting."



Health workers clearly among our greatest assets

News, Published on 30/08/2018

» Health workers are the cornerstone of effective and equitable health services. By increasing the numbers and skills of health workers, at the same time as working to enhance their equitable distribution, countries across the World Health Organisation (WHO) Southeast Asia Region are improving the quality and reach of health services and advancing the quest to achieve universal health coverage.



Trying to do right thing

News, Postbag, Published on 30/08/2018

» I read the Aug 28 editorial, "Injustice on display", about the arrest of Myanmar volunteer teachers with sadness.



Only a total ban lift will do

News, Editorial, Published on 30/08/2018

» After having imposed its political ban for more than four years, the continued reluctance of the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) to restore full political rights and freedom of expression to the Thai people and political parties has raised grave concerns about a hidden agenda.