
Showing 1 - 10 of 24



Prabowo gets a TikTok makeover

News, Published on 12/12/2023

» Indonesians will get a chance to hear from their presidential and vice-presidential hopefuls in the first of five televised debates this week. The theme of the discussion is, among other issues, human rights. It should provide an opportunity for voters in the world's third-largest democracy to probe the calibre and character of the front-runner for the country's top job.


If it's 'early doors' there's plenty of time

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/06/2023

» A Thai reader asked recently the meaning of the expression "early doors" which he had heard used frequently in English football commentaries. It has become quite a familiar observation in sport to indicate a game is still at an early stage. It also creeps into everyday language although perhaps in the more common form of "early days".



The remarkable lady from Nutbush

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 28/05/2023

» Tributes have poured in for Tina Turner who sadly passed away at the age of 83 this week in Switzerland. I would like to add a small, if inadequate thank you to this wonderful performer who brought such joy to millions. In addition to having a great talent she was also a lovely lady and her Buddhist faith played a strong role in her life. Tina had soul.



Brits can still put on a good show

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/05/2023

» Considering how depressing the world news has been lately, the coronation of King Charles III last weekend provided a brief diversion. It might not be everybody's cup of tea but the Brits certainly know how to put on a show if a bit of history is involved. They're good at pomp and pageantry and most importantly love a parade with plenty of horses.


World Cup hopes

News, Postbag, Published on 13/11/2022

» Re: "Fifa asked to drop its price," (BP, Nov 11).


It all began with a soapy TV 'moustache'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/09/2022

» With Liz Truss becoming the 56th British prime minister, it got me thinking about how many PMs there have been in my lifetime. The answer is 16, going back to Clement Atlee, which is a bit scary. In fact, while I was still residing in the UK there were only six PMs.


Becoming Long John Silver just for a day

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 19/09/2021

» Important news. Today is International Talk Like a Pirate Day, on which everyone is encouraged to speak in the manner of a buccaneer, sea dog, corsair, picaroon or whatever you wish to call them. If you are desperate Captain Jack Sparrow impersonations will suffice.



The most dignified drummer in rock 'n roll

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/08/2021

» We sadly lost two legendary musicians last week with the passing of Rolling Stones drummer Charlie Watts (80) and singer Don Everly (84).


The cuckoo-clock tune that went to No.1

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 30/05/2021

» It was amusing to see that the UK entry to the Eurovision Song Contest last weekend attracted a grand total of zero votes. However, singer James Newman shouldn't fret too much as not getting any votes is almost a badge of honour in this annual festival of kitsch where music takes second place to gaudy, garish, glitter.



The Mekong's calling you, Sue Perkins

News, Vasana Chinvarakorn, Published on 08/04/2021

» When my award-winning investigative journalist friend Supara Janchitfah first suggested Sue Perkins' name during our conversation on the Mekong, I thought she was making a joke. Or perhaps being satirical. What could a British comedian hosting a baking contest show contribute to helping locals in Southeast Asia thousands of miles away?