
Showing 1 - 5 of 5



Time to rein in pollution

News, Editorial, Published on 25/07/2018

» The government's recent response to public concern over plastic and other pollution has been as tepid as it was disappointing. Faced with real evidence and dramatic cases of ongoing harm, authorities failed to seize the day. The pathetic and heavily documented death of a male pilot whale that choked on 80 plastic bags highlighted what we are doing to the oceans. The case caused experts to emerge to explain the details. The response by the government was a short, barely publicised and utterly failed attempt to stop vendors in some Bangkok wet markets. And even that has now halted.


Pakistan's army a state above a state

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 25/07/2018

» 'Look, we have no other choice," Pakistan's former prime minister Nawaz Sharif said last May. "These games have gone on too long. Something has to change." Then he left to be with his wife Kulsoom, who is on life support while receiving treatment for cancer in England. But last week he and his daughter Maryam returned to Pakistan to begin serving the jail sentences imposed on them by a Pakistani court.



A no-deal Brexit is crazy, but it might just happen

News, Therese Raphael, Published on 25/07/2018

» The prospect that the UK would leave the European Union without a deal setting out the terms of the withdrawal once seemed laughably remote. When it was mentioned at all, it was mainly as a negotiating tactic aimed at securing favourable trade and tariff agreements between the UK and the EU.



Time to let other voices be heard

News, Soonruth Bunyamanee, Published on 25/07/2018

» Although most political parties and politicians are still banned from going about their business, Thailand's political temperature is rising, and it's all because of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.



Farm loans: Stepping stone or trap?

News, Published on 25/07/2018

» It is widely accepted that farmers' access to financial resources is one of the key success factors to promote agricultural development. In fact, the Thai government has established many specialised financial institutions to serve such a purpose.