
Showing 1 - 10 of 24



Thai-helmed 'Memoria' a Cannes star

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/06/2021

» A Thai-directed film starring Tilda Swinton has been selected for the main competition of the Cannes Film Festival 2021, the first time in 11 years that a Thai filmmaker will be featured in the top tier of the prestigious festival.


We need less 'content' and more journalism

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/01/2020

» Content, as media gurus keep preaching, is king. But such PowerPoint pep talk is shallow: "Content" -- an increasingly bastardised term that has come to signify TV newscasts, podcasts, movies, viral videos, Netflix series, memes, news articles, editorial features, real advertising, covert advertising, tweets and Facebook posts, organic or boosted -- is also an anaesthetic. It dulls the senses and kills meaning, then proceeds to belittle essence, promote shallowness and eventually undermine the practice of journalism.



Piyabutr plays House role by the book

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 23/09/2019

» How thick does a book need to be to stop a bullet? Perhaps, I imagine, Piyabutr Saengkanokkul is asking himself that same question.



A nation of millions can't hold them back

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 29/10/2018

» Rhymes and misdemeanours. Yo, yo. Rappers are threatened to be thrown in a slammer.



Thai idols fall in line with orthodoxy

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 01/09/2018

» Poor coup-makers, no one wants to see them on TV. At 6pm sharp when the theme song begins, there's a rush of hands to the remote control. Not that you can escape them. The true mark of dictatorship is audiovisual dictatorship: They beam their images on every TV and radio channel, monopolising your sensory reception, like a sci-fi movie, or like a spoiled child demanding your full attention. At 6pm every day for the past four years, the hands clutching the remote have reached for the only possible button. Off.



Thai film to retell cave rescue drama

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 10/09/2018

» A Thai film retelling the story of the Tham Luang cave operation will start filming in November, said its director and producer.


Old boyz n the Charoen Krung hood

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 04/08/2018

» The boys once ruled Charoen Krung Road -- the boyz from the hood, sons of Chinese merchants and Muslim roti-makers, rough-around-the-edges teen bred and drilled in the network of sois, who leapt into the Chao Phraya every evening and caught catfish when the river swelled every November, who roamed Bang Rak market when it was still sludgy with vegetable scraps and sneaked into the Prince Rama Theatre when it was still showing, err, adult movies.



Chaiyaphum owed more than lost data

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 11/08/2018

» In the age of video clips, one video clip is absent. At a time when we're inundated by cat clips, dog clips, accident clips, slap clips, brawl clips, grope clips, chase clips, murder clips -- when we even have clips recorded from the depths of a dark cave where light hardly reaches -- it's amazing that one crucial clip, shot in broad daylight, is missing, lost or made to be lost forever, along with transparency and maybe justice.



PM's plan to end gridlock is pie in sky

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 18/08/2018

» In three months, the angels will return to the clogged thoroughfares of Lost-Angel-ist. Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, one who's never shy of making the impossible still impossible, has set his sights on, gasp, fixing Bangkok traffic, which is like untangling the Mobius strip or finding the end of Ariadne's thread. The soundbite-ready part of the PM's order is that he wants to see "tangible results in three months", which promptly sent related authorities scurrying in all directions to make it real.


A poll date and elephant in the room

News, Kong Rithdee, Published on 25/08/2018

» We've heard distant drumbeats and dates are being thrown around. The election will -- may -- happen on Feb 24, 2019, which is the Year of the Pig, if that portends anything. The latest possible date, if things get pushed around by design or by fate, is May. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe never. Who knows? For a regime that prides itself as rule-keepers, rules and promises have been treated like toilet paper since day one.