
Showing 1 - 10 of 81


200 injured in train crash outside Johannesburg

Associated Press, Published on 09/01/2018

» JOHANNESBURG: A train collision on the outskirts of South Africa's commercial hub, Johannesburg, left more than 200 people injured, emergency responders said Tuesday morning. It was the second train crash in the area within a week.



Thai stocks flat, Philippines hits record high

Reuters, Published on 09/01/2018

» Philippine shares jumped the most in a year on Tuesday, hitting a record high on foreign buying, while Vietnam climbed for a second straight session to a fresh 10-year high.



Human Rights Watch raps PM's cardboard dummy 'joke'

Reuters, Published on 09/01/2018

» Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha, known for his temperamental outbursts, has adopted a unique tactic to avoid tricky questions from reporters -- leave a cardboard cutout of himself for reporters to quiz.



B36bn approved for second phase to help the poor

Published on 09/01/2018

» The cabinet has approved 35.7 billion baht for the second phase of the welfare programme for low-income earners, which should help bring 1 million people above the poverty line this year.



Indonesian police probe foreign 'orders' for child porn

Associated Press, Published on 09/01/2018

» JAKARTA: Indonesian authorities are investigating whether a child pornography ring had links to an international network, police said on Tuesday, after videos of adult women engaged in sexual acts with boys went viral on social media.



Woman blamed after lost ID card used for phone scams

Wassayos Ngamkham, Published on 09/01/2018

» A young woman has asked Crime Suppression Division police to take action against a member of a call centre gang who used her lost ID card to open bank accounts they used to swindle people, and led to her being arrested for a crime she did not commit.



Japan kayak racer banned 8 years for spiking drink of rival

Associated Press, Published on 09/01/2018

» TOKYO: A Japanese kayaker has been banned from competition for eight years for spiking the drink of a rival so that he would fail a doping test.



Philippines to protest to China over manmade island ‘airbase’

Reuters, Published on 09/01/2018

» MANILA: The Philippines will make a diplomatic protest to China, which the southeast Asian nation's defence minister described as having reneged on a promise not to militarise artificial islands in the busy South China Sea waterway.



Family with crying child ordered off bus late at night

Online Reporters, Published on 09/01/2018

» The crew of an interprovincial bus have been fined and may face further action for forcing a poor family and their two young sons off the bus late at night because the 2-year-old kept crying loudly.



N.Korea to send athletes to S.Korea Olympics in breakthrough

New York Times, Published on 09/01/2018

» SEOUL: North Korea agreed on Tuesday to send athletes to February’s Winter Olympics in South Korea, a symbolic breakthrough after months of escalating tensions over the North’s rapidly advancing nuclear and missile programmes.