
Showing 11 - 20 of 50



Civic groups call out welfare smart card as 'unfair' to poor

News, Penchan Charoensuthipan, Published on 19/11/2017

» Civic groups voiced their objection to the welfare smart card in a seminar on welfare reform on Saturday, saying it failed to help the poorest bracket of society.



2 nabbed as sex ring exposed

News, Published on 19/11/2017

» Two key suspects -- a Thai woman and a South Korean man -- have been arrested for alleged involvement in a sex trafficking ring which forced Thai women into prostitution in South Korea.



Thunder Castle put icing on the cake

Sports, Tor Chittinand, Published on 19/11/2017

» Champions Buriram United and second-place SCG Muang Thong United both signed off the Thai League 1 stage this year on a winning note last night.


Mystery son makes amends, Kitti on mend, Aun pumping it

News, Mae Moo, Published on 19/11/2017

» The mystery son of deceased singer Thanut "Joe" Chimtoum, of the group Boyscout, has entered the monkhood to pay tribute to his father, who died of a heart attack early on Nov 11.



Longevity in power is no cure-all

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 19/11/2017

» A common theme of two elder statesmen who were in Bangkok on Thursday to attend the Bangkok Post's first international forum was that leaders need to be in power longer than just one term of 4-5 years so that the policies they implement are longer-term in nature and can help countries move forward.



The Lady is no champ

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 19/11/2017

» Aung San Suu Kyi went to Manila to celebrate her second anniversary (Nov 8) as elected leader of Myanmar. Nine Asean colleagues and a few foreign bigwigs played along but she's not getting the international respect due a de facto president and Nobel Peace laureate any more.



Maritime to be focus of Myanmar meeting

News, Patpon Sabpaitoon, Published on 19/11/2017

» Maritime environment, harmonisation of investment regulations and promoting people-centred growth will be main focus for Thailand to discuss in the 13th Asia-Europe Meeting (Asem) that will kick off in Myanmar on Monday.



Anti-poverty drive needs political will

News, Editorial, Published on 19/11/2017

» Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak has revealed his big ambition: poverty will be eradicated from Thailand next year. His statement on Thursday wowed the public, who wonder if it was just a tactic to manufacture feel-good news. Mr Somkid, who has been regarded as an economic czar since the days when he served in Thaksin Shinawatra's government, did not go into detail about what he planned to do to achieve his ambitious goal, but it is apparent that he, along with the military regime, places high hopes on the Eastern Economic Corridor that will come into being next year, with the use of the draconian Section 44 to bypass key laws and regulations to enable the authorities to accelerate the project.



What Aussies must do to be competitive

Sports, Published on 19/11/2017

» After the longest qualifying campaign in history, Asian champions Australia secured their place in a fourth consecutive World Cup with a 3-1 victory over Honduras in their second-leg play-off in Sydney on Wednesday night.



The gravity of the matter

News, Postbag, Published on 19/11/2017

» Re: "Don't only blame drivers for road tragedies" (Opinion, Nov 18).