
Showing 1 - 3 of 3



There's a time and a place to take a leak

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 12/02/2017

» A reader relates that he was in a branch of a home improvements store in Thailand recently inspecting toilets for a new bathroom extension. There were several rows of toilets and while he was strolling around, two young boys, aged about six or seven, came running down one of the aisles. No parents were in sight. The boys stopped, giggled, lifted up the lid of one of the toilet bowls and proceeded to pee in it, right in the middle of the store. Still giggling, they ran off.



Preparing students for the school of life

News, Published on 12/02/2017

» Some believe education comes with an end date: a child enters into formal schooling, stays for the mandated number of years and then moves on to either higher education or out into the working world -- mission completed, all necessary lessons learned.



Time for action on garbage crisis

News, Editorial, Published on 12/02/2017

» The pictures and story about the nearly 100 tonnes of garbage floating around the Gulf of Thailand have made many people aware of the consequences of unabated consumerism with little respect for the environment. The floating garbage, as it is being called, is reportedly threatening marine life, and authorities have come out to say that the cleaning up of this mess will take up to 10 days.