
Showing 1 - 7 of 7



Investors losing faith

News, Editorial, Published on 12/08/2016

» Amid all the hype that Thailand has been receiving after last Sunday's referendum which gave the current government what it wanted, a constitution that would allow it to wield power for years to come, the country's economic outlook seems as bleak as it was before the referendum.



Let Thai electorate be referendum winners

News, Thitinan Pongsudhirak, Published on 12/08/2016

» Amidst the wide-ranging fallout from Thailand's second-ever referendum results, one clear outcome that should not be downplayed and marginalised is that Thai voters have more or less collectively spoken yet again. Their preference this time is to approve a military-inspired constitution that codifies longer-term military supervision of Thai politics. This sobering reality from Thai voters is not music to pro-democracy ears but it must be heeded.



Echoing a film's murderous blueprint

News, New York Times, Published on 12/08/2016

» The three miners befriended a lonely, luckless man and offered him work down an iron mine in eastern China.



Confucius' guide to foreign trade

News, Michael Schuman, Published on 12/08/2016

» Confucius was once asked if there was a single word that could act as a guide throughout one's life. "Reciprocity", the sage responded. He then preached a form of the Golden Rule: "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others."



Thais should become less pragmatic

News, Wasant Techawongtham, Published on 12/08/2016

» So the circus-like referendum came and went. And the vote came down decidedly on the side of the junta government.The constitution drafters and supporters are understandably ecstatic. Their work in drafting the country's supreme law will not go to waste, and, with the public mandate on its side, the junta can now carry on with its national reform agenda and returning the country to a democratic path.



Russia's new 'friend' is Erdogan

News, Gwynne Dyer, Published on 12/08/2016

» There was more than a hint of grovelling in Turkish President Recep Tayyib Erdogan's approach to his new "dear friend", Russian President Vladimir Putin.