
Showing 1 - 6 of 6



Heal the rift, don't widen it

News, Editorial, Published on 10/05/2016

» A panel of the military-appointed National Reform Steering Assembly (NRSA) has made yet another attempt to restore national unity through forgiveness. Once again, the proposal is bound to fail. Worse, the reform panel's proposal will make the political divide both deeper and wider. Before the committee could even make its official proto-amnesty proposal to the nation, red-shirt leaders were complaining to the media that it was one-sided, in favour of the old yellow-shirt movement, the People's Alliance for Democracy (PAD).



How China made itself prone to bubbles

News, Christopher Balding, Published on 10/05/2016

» Chinese markets have rarely looked more like Vegas casinos. In recent weeks, investors have driven up trading volumes in China to astronomical levels, betting on everything from rebar to eggs. China traded enough steel in one day last month to build 178,082 Eiffel Towers and enough cotton to make at least one pair of jeans for every person on the planet.



NCPO chips away at right to privacy

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 10/05/2016

» What is the use of a constitution, provisional or permanent, if it can't protect our mothers?Did we know that Section 4 of the provisional charter, enacted on July 22, 2014, extends its protection to human dignity, rights, freedom and equality, all of which Thais enjoyed under the tradition of the constitutional monarchy and existing international treaties?


Senegal's street-begging children show limits of 'apptivism'

News, AFP, Published on 10/05/2016

» Mamadou is a child beggar wandering the streets of Dakar, perilously darting in and out of traffic as he tries to gather enough money for his Islamic teacher to feed him.


Obama weighs making visit to Hiroshima or Nagasaki

News, Gardiner Harris, Published on 10/05/2016

» When US President Barack Obama first visited Japan in Nov 2009, he said he hoped someday to visit Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where the US dropped atomic bombs during World War II.


Trumpism meets defeat in London

News, Pankaj Mishra, Published on 10/05/2016

» Donald Trump became last week the presumptive Republican nominee in the US presidential elections. But those condemned to agonising suspense and anxiety until November should note that Trumpism, or the politics of hate and fear, also suffered a major defeat last week.