
Showing 1 - 8 of 8


Sikhs reopen temple after 73 years, risking possible attacks

News, Published on 28/04/2016

» An armed policeman stood guard outside the 300-year-old Sikh temple, known as a gurdwara, in northwest Pakistan. He kept a watchful eye on everyone who passed him on the narrow street, looking for a suspicious gesture, or a bulge beneath the clothes that hints at a hidden gun or a bomb.



Let the people speak out

News, Editorial, Published on 28/04/2016

» There are roughly three months to go before the country goes to the polls to decide on the fate of the Constitution Drafting Committee's draft constitution. Yet, the current political climate is not conducive for the public to exercise their political rights. Freedom to express views on the draft charter is restricted. Open threats of punitive legal action against those who speak out publicly darken the current atmosphere.


The next Chernobyl disaster may be intentional

News, Published on 28/04/2016

» Chernobyl's 30th anniversary on Monday came against the backdrop of growing apprehension that nuclear reactors may become a terrorist target.



PM invokes S44 in far South synergy push

News, Wassana Nanuam, Published on 28/04/2016

» Finally, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha has resorted to the use of the draconian Section 44 to forge synergies between two core agencies dealing with unrest in the deep South, namely the Southern Border Provinces Administration Centre (SBPAC) and the Internal Security Operations Command (Isoc).



Who’ll show the elephant out of the room?

News, Kaona Pongpipat, Published on 28/04/2016

» There's this huge elephant in this room, of which no one -- neither the military government nor the general public -- talks about out loud, and it's one of the most likely explanations why the regime has held on to power as long as it has.



Debating is key

News, Postbag, Published on 28/04/2016

» Re: "Charter group defies regime", (BP, April 26).


Water woes taking an increasingly hard toll on Asia

News, Brahma Chellaney, Published on 28/04/2016

» Asia's water woes are worsening. Already the world's driest continent in per capita terms, Asia now faces a severe drought that has parched a vast region extending from southern Vietnam to central India. This has exacerbated political tensions, because it has highlighted the impact of China's dam-building policy on the environment and on water flows to the dozen countries located downstream.


Eyeing a sustainable future for Asia

News, Shamshad Akhtar, Published on 28/04/2016

» The Asia-Pacific region's successful achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development needs to be driven by broad-based productivity gains and the rebalancing of economies towards domestic and regional demand. This is the main message of the Economic and Social Survey of Asia and the Pacific 2016, published by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Such a strategy will not only underpin the revival of robust and resilient economic growth, but also improve the quality of growth by making it more inclusive and sustainable.