
Showing 1 - 10 of 159


The past F masters ... ... and we've driven both before

Life, Published on 08/09/2014

» Dateline: 2007, Fuji Speedway, Japan


The mainstream RC

Life, Published on 08/09/2014

» While the RC-F has been created to go head-on with the likes of the BMW M4, the normal RC is Lexus' answer to the 4-series model range.


MICE Journal

Published on 08/09/2014

» This is one of our special publications which you can view in high definition PDF format.



What's new in business news: September 8, 2014

Jon Fernquest, Published on 08/09/2014

» Used car prices to drop significantly, education ministry named ministry with most problems in poll & Customs Department reform cuts back on rewards for officials.


Suspended jail term for 'Tom Dundee'

Online Reporters, Published on 08/09/2014

» The Bangkok Military Court on Monday handed down a six-month jail term, suspended for two years, to former red-shirt singer and actor Thanat Thanawatcharanont, also known as Tom Dundee, and a fine of 10,000 baht for defying a National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO) order to report to military officials.


'Gutter oil' scandal hits Hong Kong

AFP, Published on 08/09/2014

» HONG KONG - Pineapple buns and dumplings have been pulled from the shelves in Hong Kong as authorities investigate whether they contain gutter oil from Taiwan, where concerns are growing over a food safety scare, officials said Monday.


Japanese PM ends Sri Lanka trip with visit to temple

AFP, Published on 08/09/2014

» COLOMBO - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe offered flowers and worshipped Monday at a historic Buddhist temple outside Colombo as he wrapped up his two-nation South Asian tour that also took him to Bangladesh.


Japan PM's new picks deny neo-Nazi links

AFP, Published on 08/09/2014

» TOKYO - Two newly-promoted Japanese politicians moved Monday to distance themselves from allegations of extremism after pictures emerged of them posing alongside the leader of a domestic neo-Nazi party.


Man kills son 'in self defence'

Online Reporters, Published on 08/09/2014

» NAKHON RATCHASIMA - A 62-year-old man has admitted he killed his mentally-ill son, claiming he acted in self defence, and then stripped the body and dumped it in a forest.


The fire next time in China

Asia focus, Published on 08/09/2014

» Earlier this year, rumours of China’s impending financial doom – triggered by either a housing-market crash or local-government debt defaults – were rampant. But, in recent months, the economy has stabilised, leaving few doubts about China’s ability to grow by more than 7% this year.