
Showing 31 - 40 of 114


VietJetAir orders 62 Airbus jets

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» PARIS - Airbus announced Wednesday that VietJetAir signed a letter of intent to purchase 62 A320 medium-haul aircraft worth US$6.1 billion at catalogue prices and take options on another 30.


Martin defends world time trial title

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Germany's Tony Martin claimed his third consecutive title in the men's time trial at the world road race cycling championships Wednesday.


Jesus was the world's first tweeter: Vatican

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Jesus Christ was the world's first tweeter because his pronouncements were "brief and full of meaning", Vatican cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi said Wednesday.


Japan to open 'world's first' inflatable concert hall

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» A giant purple structure believed to be the world's first inflatable concert hall is to open on Japan's disaster-hit northeastern coast, promoters said Wednesday.


Amazon adds power, 'Mayday' button to new Kindle

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Amazon upped the ante in the tablet wars Wednesday, unveiling upgraded Kindles with a boost in power while adding a "Mayday" button for free, live technical support.


Deadly anti-govt demos escalate in Sudan

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Violent protests against the Sudanese government's decision to scrap fuel subsidies raged into a third day Wednesday as public transport ground to a halt and riots broke out in parts of Khartoum.


In new report, climate experts to warn of sea peril

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» UN experts are expected to warn on Friday that global warming will hoist sea levels higher than was projected six years ago, threatening millions of lives.


Number of French job seekers falls for the first time in 2 years

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» The number of registered job seekers in France fell in August for the first time in more than two years, dropping by 50,000 to 3.23 million, the labour ministry announced Wednesday.


Italian athlete caught with fake penis in dope test

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Italian athlete Devis Licciardi risks a two year ban after using a fake penis during a doping control.


Argentina make six changes for All Blacks

AFP, Published on 25/09/2013

» Argentina have made six changes for a Rugby Championship Test against the New Zealand All Blacks in La Plata on Saturday.