
Showing 641 - 648 of 648


If it's boutique then it must be good

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 11/03/2012

» Sitting in the obligatory Bangkok traffic jam the other day, I found myself staring at a sign advertising a ''car boutique''. It didn't really sound right, but was another reminder of how the word ''boutique'' has spread its Gallic wings in the last 40 years to become an essential part of international language.


Welcome to the land of queues, please stand by

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 18/03/2012

» One thing the current immigration woes at Suvarnabhumi have highlighted is that no one likes to stand in queues, be it at airports, banks, buffets or bathrooms.


In-depth story, but it's full of holes

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 25/03/2012

» The most entertaining news this week was the sudden emergence of a magnificent hole on Rama IV Road near the Thai-Belgium bridge. If you were particularly lucky you may have personally experienced the subsequent horrendous traffic jams on Rama IV and all neighbouring roads which seem to have lasted all week.



It could all be pretty amazing again

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/01/2012

» I trust everyone is holding up well at the height of the funny hats and hangovers season. In a few days it will be back to grim reality _ hangovers without the hats. And I won't complain if I don't hear that ''happy new mia'' Thai joke for a while.


A new year and a new experience

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 08/01/2012

» At my age, any new sensation tends to be an ache or a pain, but this year on New Year's Day, I was up and about at six in the morning, which was definitely a new experience. I hasten to add this wasn't because I hadn't made it to bed after a night's revelry. Admittedly in the past there have been occasions when I've seen dawn rise on Jan 1 before hitting the sack. But this was a genuine early rise and shine occasion. Some explanation is needed for this unnatural behaviour.


The spy who came in from the murk

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/01/2012

» In the mid-1970s, while travelling on the slowest train in the world from Bangkok to Kanchanaburi, I recall ploughing my way through John Le Carre's spy novel Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy.


Well, just another week at the airport

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/01/2012

» It hasn't been the most auspicious of starts to the year for Suvarnabhumi airport. First we had the ugly ''slapping of ears'' incident in which a senior airport official tried to show how superior he was, but only achieved the opposite by humiliating a subordinate who ended up with a damaged eardrum.


Time for the elephant's hind legs defence?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 29/01/2012

» The saga of the allegedly "unusually wealthy" civil servant and his missing millions of baht continues to ramble on in true Thai tradition. The gentleman in question at least finally appeared before the graft busters last week and proceeded to say absolutely nothing, which in his position is probably the best thing to say.