
Showing 11 - 20 of 43


Blame the media, but not completely

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 19/01/2016

» Mums sure know best. Of all the motherly guidance that has been etched into my consciousness, a particular adage has never remained more timeless and timely. It was the very first lesson she drilled into me when I started to watch television at the age of three. When the commercial break from the cartoons kicked in, so did an earful from her: All advertisements are a sham. 


Speaking for ourselves

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 11/12/2015

» As someone who is consistently on the prowl for content about my own nation's heritage, (because like Jon Snow -- I know nothing) Khun Thong Daeng: The Inspirations should have been a movie I sprinted to buy tickets for on the day it was released.


Sentiment lost in symbols

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 11/11/2015

» Personally, November is a bit of a bummer month, for not having anything to look forward to. The only festive frolicking is Loy Krathong -- and I'm not sure what that commemorates or celebrates precisely. Out of habit and some weird justification, my household will probably have to float something in our little village pond. Mostly because it's become a bit of a societal requirement -- you're considered a total misanthrope if the neighbours notice that you don't show up. Besides being shunned by the village, would I be forever blacklisted by the water gods for choosing to opt out of this eye-watering and ecologically reckless festival? 


Clean, lean and everything in between 

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 09/10/2015

» As a person who follows the self-sprinkled mantra of I-will-eat-whatever-the-hell-I-want, I have never been one to obsess over what I put into my mouth. If I want a cookie at midnight, with a side of chips, I am going to go stuff my face -- sans any guilt or calorie-counting. My heaven-sent gift of rapid-fire digestion is a side effect of being diagnosed with hyperthyroidism -- something that has unfortunately been slowing down since I have plummeted deeper into adulthood. 


Education begins at home

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 08/09/2015

» Only a few days ago, a Hungarian childhood friend sent me a YouTube link of the "Hitler in Thailand" segment on Last Week Tonight With John Oliver. She was curious if its content, that Thai students used Hitler as motifs and themes, was true, to which I had to cringingly admit that it was. Then, last Friday, Coconuts Bangkok published an article discussing why it seems that international kids who grow up in Thailand don't speak Thai. It appears to be the same kind of problem that emerges from two opposite poles: that Thai-educated kids don't know anything about the Western world, and international school-educated kids don't know anything about their own country. 


A culture of mindless excessiveness

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 06/08/2015

» Just a few weeks ago, I discovered Ik Junoon (Paint It Red), an infectiously catchy song that played in the 2011 Bollywood flick Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara. I've obviously been in a black hole of sorts to miss this instantly popular song and hit road trip movie, but it still wasn't the song that left the most lasting impression. Only when I actually looked at the YouTube screen as I was listening to the music was I blown away by the visuals that accompanied the ambient house music. 


To selfie or not to selfie?

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/07/2015

» The photograph was fuzzy, but ironically, I clearly remember the moment of coming across it, and what was on it, as if it were just yesterday. It was a picture of a pale, blurry blob of a face, framed by jet-black hair tied in a low ponytail. On that face, lay an eager smile and two unfocused specks of flash in what appeared to be beady and squinty eyes. Two pale arms on the sides implied that the camera was already as stretched out as far as it could be. But all this happened a terribly long time ago, circa 1994, way before the ghastly concept of the selfie was born. 


The real cost of a higher minimum wage

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 03/06/2015

» With the growing economy, there are a large number of new condominiums and office building projects popping up around the city, whirring with labourers like numberless worker ants in the pit. In such a climate where Satan himself would feel at home, one cannot help but feel sorry and blessed at the same time — sorry for the workers in such conditions and blessed that you are not one of them. One might ask whether the 300 baht minimum wage justifies the working conditions that these poor souls face and one would be right and humanitarian to think as such.



Filling in the pages of history

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 30/04/2015

» I roll my eyes so hard I can practically see the back of my brain. My 16-year-old tutee, Jag, hasn't the faintest idea of the difference between World War I and World War II. I don't think I'm going to let him off the hook — by this age he should at least have some rough idea about two of the most crucial turning points in modern history.


It's political correctness gone mad

Life, Parisa Pichitmarn, Published on 25/03/2015

» Last week, legendary American comedian Jay Leno appeared on NBC's Late Night With Seth Meyers and shared an example of how college kids (in the US) are painfully politically correct these days. He tells of a day when an intern asked him what he'd like for lunch. When he asked where the interns would be picking up their food, he answered they were "getting Mexican". To which, Leno replied, "I don't really like Mexican", and the intern instantly goes, "Whoa, that's kind of racist."