
Showing 181 - 190 of 280


Direk to head key selection committees

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 01/08/2014

» Supreme Court president Direk Ingkhaninant has been selected to head two committees asked to select the seven members of State Audit Commission (SAC) and the new auditor-general.


Power moves back to centre

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 04/08/2014

» The junta’s decision to suspend elections for local administration organisations (LAOs) is raising questions about whether the organisations will be any less prone to corruption under appointed administrators than they were before.



Interim constitution tightens the regime’s iron grip

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 24/07/2014

» The 2014 interim charter allows the junta to make amendments to increase its power as the situation requires. It is the first charter ever to contain such a clause — a clear signal the military can declare a state of emergency in the country at any time.


Prayuth’s won over business, next step is the world

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 12/06/2014

» Three weeks after the coup and the junta is still enjoying its honeymoon period, with positive feedback from the business sector and rice farmers.


Prayuth must take great care wielding ‘special powers’

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 03/07/2014

» It is a certainty the interim charter that is being drafted will make the junta chief more powerful than the government. This can be interpreted in good ways or bad, depending on where you stand.


Military has reform blueprint to trump them all

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 22/05/2014

» Many people believe the anti-government People’s Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) benefits most from the declaration of martial law. That isn't necessarily true.


Chances of success remote for peacebroker Abhisit

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 01/05/2014

» Saying he wants to be part of the country’s answer to its troubles, former prime minister Abhisit Vejjajiva is trying to break Thailand's political deadlock through talks with the conflicting parties. But his chances of success are pretty slim.


PDRC pushes towards a final battle

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 10/04/2014

» Criticism from all directions hit Suthep Thaugsuban after he announced what he would do should the anti-government movement succeed in unseating the Yingluck government.


PM warned over Senate decree duty

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 12/04/2014

» The charter leaves no room for interpretation over who can call for the Senate to be reconvened after a House dissolution. That person is caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, according to former Senate speaker, legal expert and Council of State member Meechai Ruchupan.


‘Nominees’ targeted in Senate race

News, Nattaya Chetchotiros, Published on 26/03/2014

» The caretaker government and its opponents are expected to use all tactics possible to prevent poll candidates who are “nominees” of their opposing camps from winning in the Senate election this Sunday.