
Showing 471 - 480 of 536



Keep calm and help yourself

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 06/05/2013

» Shhhh! Ideally, reading Quiet: The Power Of Introverts In A World That Can't Stop Talking requires a subdued atmosphere, for despite the tongue-in-cheek title the book turns out to be a serious read, a cocktail of self-help, cultural study and business analysis for human resource management.


Dark dealings in blood ivory

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 01/03/2013

» Does the name Joseph Kony ring any bells? For many Facebook users, his name came up early last year when a video clip became famous as part of a campaign to raise awareness about the crimes of Kony and his Ugandan guerrilla group Lord's Resistance Army.


Animism and the Chinese New Year

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 08/02/2013

» The Chinese New Year has been one of my favourite holiday seasons. If I were in Bangkok, I would have purchased a red shirt printed with a little snake, the zodiac sign and mascot for this year, and attended a ritual of worship at any of the Chinese shrines you see in Yaowarat and other Chinese communities in the city.


When building fences beats taking offence

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 01/02/2013

» I'm no fan of apps nor of online games. Yet the news on Monday about the launch of Human Fence, an app created by Greenpeace Southeast Asia and the Tha Sala community in Nakhon Si Thammarat province, prompted me to download it to my Facebook page right away.


Never lost in translation

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 15/02/2013

» A Western woman recently asked me which books she should read in order to understand Thailand. The reading list is not hard to suggest. The problem is that many works on Thailand, by my definition, have not been translated.


Great leap of leftovers

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 22/02/2013

» I am upset every time I see leftover food on plates, and the agitation is a result of the way I was brought up.



Meet the makers

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 21/01/2013

» Makers: The New Industrial Revolution, the third book by writer Chris Anderson, comes at a perfect time _ again. The writer has been known for writing the right book at the right time, almost exactly when the events he mentions are moving towards the spotlight.


Let leaders sit in the democracy of the traffic jam

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 14/12/2012

» I remembered feeling startled after hearing my Chinese friend mention motorcades _ with their resulting traffic diversions or blockages to allow official vehicles to pass _ exist in China.


Apocalypse later

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 21/12/2012

» If you're reading this article, it means the world has not ended yet (although there's still time if you're in American Samoa). Nibiru _ hypothetically a hidden rogue planet in the solar system _ has not rammed into Earth as various online prophecies have enthusiastically predicted.


Talking about a resolution

Life, Anchalee Kongrut, Published on 11/01/2013

» After maxing out your credit cards from New Year shopping and feeling the blubby band of cellulite around your waistline, a byproduct of endless parties and drinking binges, it is time to pledge your resolutions for the year ahead.