
Showing 71 - 80 of 181


Instagram to share data with Facebook

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» Smartphone photo sharing service Instagram on Monday refined its privacy policy to clear the way for sharing data with Facebook, which bought the company earlier this year.


Nielsen taps Twitter for TV show buzz

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» Nielsen on Monday announced a deal to tap into Twitter to gauge how much online buzz is being generated by television shows instead of simply focusing on numbers of viewers for programs.


India's central bank keeps benchmark rate on hold

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» India's central bank kept its benchmark interest rate on hold Tuesday due to inflation concerns, despite calls from business for a cut in lending costs to boost the sharply slowing economy.


New computing devices will allow touch, smell: IBM

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» Future computing devices will push further into the senses by developing capacities to mimic the ability to see, smell, touch, taste and hear, IBM says in an annual forecast Monday.


US eyes Google antitrust settlement: reports

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» US regulators are likely to conclude a lengthy antitrust probe of Google's dominance of Internet searches with a voluntary settlement, news reports said Monday.


Morgan Stanley fined $5 mn over Facebook IPO

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» Morgan Stanley agreed Monday to pay a $5 million fine to settle charges that it improperly handled crucial information on Facebook's earnings ahead of the company's disastrous IPO.


Cazorla treble lifts Arsenal gloom in Reading rout

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» Santi Cazorla scored a hat-trick to lift Arsenal's spirits as the Gunners bounced back from their League Cup humiliation with an emphatic 5-2 victory at Reading on Monday.


N. Korea satellite appears dead: scientist

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» A satellite launched with fanfare last week by a defiant North Korea appears to be dead as no signal can be detected, a US-based astrophysicist who monitors spaceflights said Monday.


Hawk's return in Japan heartens US

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» The return of conservative leader Shinzo Abe in Japan has raised hopes in Washington for closer security ties, although US officials hope he keeps a lid on his more strident views.


US gun lobby silent on social media after shooting

AFP, Published on 18/12/2012

» The powerful US gun lobby has turned silent on social media, apparently suspending its Facebook page, after last week's school massacre that took the lives of 20 small children and six adults.