Search Result for “Myanmar”

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Japan to work with Asean to train 100,000 digital professionals

Kyodo News, Published on 24/05/2024

» KYODO - Japan aims to work with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) to train 100,000 highly skilled digital professionals in the fields of artificial intelligence (AI) and semiconductors over the next five years, Prime Minister Fumio Kishida said Thursday.



Myanmar residents lobby Japan to act over conscription law

Kyodo News, Published on 15/05/2024

» KYODO - Members of Myanmar's expatriate community in Japan are lobbying local assemblies to pressure the central government to accept their fleeing compatriots in the wake of the enforcement of a controversial conscription law by the junta in February.



Asean, Japan, China, S. Korea ensure funds for pandemics, disasters

Kyodo News, Published on 04/05/2024

» TBILISI - The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) plus Japan, China and South Korea on Friday agreed to provide each other funds in times of emergency such as pandemics and natural disasters, building on their existing currency swap arrangements for the United States dollar and its counterparts.



Myanmar junta official attends Asean meeting

Kyodo News, Published on 05/03/2024

» VIENTIANE - A senior official of Myanmar's military government attended a meeting of the Association of Southeast Asian nations (Asean) defence ministers in Laos on Tuesday, in what is seen as a sign of the junta's willingness to cooperate with the regional bloc.



Myanmar sending senior official to Asean meeting in Laos

Kyodo News, Published on 28/01/2024

» VIENTIANE - Myanmar's military government intends to send a senior official as a nonpolitical representative to the meeting of foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations in Laos beginning on Sunday, diplomatic sources said.



Japan, Vietnam to deepen security cooperation amid China's rise

Kyodo News, Published on 28/11/2023

» TOKYO - Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong agreed Monday to deepen maritime security cooperation between the two nations in the face of China's growing military assertiveness in the Asia-Pacific region.



Japan, Asean to bolster cybersecurity collaboration

Kyodo News, Published on 05/10/2023

» KYODO - Japan and eight Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) members agreed Thursday to bolster cybersecurity collaboration, with 2023 marking 50 years of Japan-Asean friendship and cooperation.



Asean to discuss Myanmar crisis, South China Sea disputes

Kyodo News, Published on 05/09/2023

» JAKARTA - Leaders of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) met in Indonesia's capital on Tuesday, with the prolonged political crisis in Myanmar and disputes in the South China Sea expected to be on the agenda.



Myanmar junta extends state of emergency, delays polls

Kyodo News, Published on 31/07/2023

» Myanmar's ruling military is expected to extend its state of emergency, due to expire Tuesday, according to local media reports, amid prolonged conflict with those who call for democracy after a February 2021 coup that ousted the country's civilian government.



Myanmar crisis to dominate Asean meeting

Kyodo News, Published on 11/07/2023

» JAKARTA: Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) met in Indonesia Tuesday, with Myanmar's deadlocked political crisis expected to dominate discussions.