Search Result for “weather”

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Eating Amid The Great Outdoors

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 17/12/2017

» I may not have to explain how much fun it is to picnic. When asking family members or your loved ones to go on a picnic, chances are everybody would say yes. Organising a picnic trip requires finding (sometimes booking) a scenic spot and preparing food and drinks for your outdoor dining. This might be a little extra work, but it's worth it.



Sour notes

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 15/01/2017

» Sour foods and drinks can play an important part in helping us appreciate the taste of the food that we eat. It is believed that they stimulate the tongue and allow it to perceive flavour more quickly while also increasing one's appetite.



The fish that makes a great catch

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 12/03/2017

» I'm sure that there are many people who have the same relationship with catfish dishes that I do. When they think of a particular favourite -- grilled catfish with boiled neem flowers and the sweet-spicy sauce called nam plaa waan, or the fish deep-fried with spicy seasonings and crisp-fried basil leaves scattered on top -- they crave to eat some right then and there.



The age of perfectionists

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 11/12/2016

» This is the age of data. Making food is easy now because there are cookbooks everywhere and ingredients of all kinds are widely available and easy to buy. Any bookshop will have its cookbook section, offering an array of volumes with clear photographs and precise instructions as to measurements and techniques.



Food for all seasons

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 12/10/2014

» Why is it that in the past Thais ate seasonally, cooking different dishes at different times of the year? One reason is that they lived much closer to nature than most of us do now. They understood the natural cycles — what ingredients would be at their best in a given season, and what things were best to eat. The changing possibilities that came with the rotating seasons brought variety to the table.


Hedgerow foraging

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 24/08/2014

» God sends us the rainy season, and if it causes certain problems it also comes bearing gifts. Among them are some ordinary wild herbs such as tamlueng, yawt krathin and yawt cha-ome, three plants that Thai cooks can turn into some wonderful dishes.



Green Giants

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 22/10/2017

» Vegetables are the healthiest natural food you can find. Cornucopia might look obsessed with the greens because we don't seem to get enough of talking about their variety, from the backyard garden vegetables to herbs and organics. Some Asian vegetables might be popular in the US and Europe once introduced in the Asian kitchen abroad.



Feel at home in sunshine state

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 16/07/2017

» I would like to introduce Florida, one of the most popular tourist attractions in the US. This entire state has so much to offer Thai tourists who are not fans of Western winters. The weather here is just like in southern Thailand. Beaches, the sea and trees are like those in Phuket and Phangnga. Many beautiful white yachts look so good against the crystal blue background of the sea and sky.



A sunshine state of mind

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 25/06/2017

» There's more than a handful of things that Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and Bangkok have in common. For one, both places are hot, humid and rainy. Another thing is that they are both swarmed by mosquitoes, and palm, coconut and banana trees can be seen everywhere. A visit to Fort Lauderdale could very well make you feel right at home, save for the fact that cars drive on the right side of the road and the city boasts much better urban planning.



Mining for memories

B Magazine, Suthon Sukphisit, Published on 04/06/2017

» Famed for its traditional way of life and architectural uniqueness, Old Takua Pa is fast on track to becoming a top tourist destination. But as it opens up to more visitors, does the ancient community risk succumbing to the overexposure that's impacted other tranquil hidden cities in Thailand?