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Life, Kong Rithdee, Published on 30/09/2022

» The first shot of Athena will be discussed in every writing about the film. A bravura choreography of movement that begins with an intimate close-up of a face and ends, after 10 blood-rushing minutes, with an explosion of revolutionary rage -- a la Les Miserables and Do You Hear The People Sing? transported to a predominantly-Muslim Paris suburb -- that opening shot is so hypnotising and immersive in its non-stop kineticism that we're led to forgive that it's also an earnest show-off, a proud enshrinement of style and attitude over everything else. Romain Gavras, a filmmaker known for making music videos for Jay Z and M.I.A, will cement that approach with many similar shots throughout the film -- long, seemingly uninterrupted shots with parkour camerawork full of angry bodies -- more than enough for aspiring filmmakers of the world to slobber over.



Instant deliciousness

Guru, Kankanok Wichiantanon, Published on 16/04/2021

» One could say that instant noodles are the quintessential home kitchen staple in Thailand. They are a source of comfort in times of stress, easy to whip up and fit in well with our busy schedules. Guru has tracked down three truly slurp-worthy instant noodle places as well as three other distinct instant-noodle based dishes worth checking out.



Made in Thailand

Guru, Published on 05/07/2019

» To say that Thailand has been getting global recognition lately may be a bit of an understatement. After all, it's not a secret that it's a famous tourist destination with plenty of beautiful beaches and street food that's been topping lists for years now. Of course, these are only just a few things Thailand is well-known for but we don't really have the time to get into all of that (*cough* rigged election *cough*). However, people from the outside may have a narrow view of what Thailand and its culture really is, but fortunately, there are things that help put a spotlight on these things. The next instalment of the Fast and Furious franchise is filming right now in parts of Thailand, including Krabi where its governor stated that the film would be a "great advertisement for the nature, culture and history of the kingdom". Erm sure, that's what the Fast and Furious franchise is all about anyway. While the film will most likely be more about cars zoom-zooming and vroom-vrooming, there are a number of shows on TV that give a better focus on Thai culture. Here are a few.



Swede's in season

Life, Nianne-Lynn Hendricks, Published on 01/06/2018

» Fäviken Magasinet is often described as the world's most isolated two Michelin-starred restaurant and chef Magnus Nilsson tends to agree. "One should go once, maybe twice and it should enrich the rest of your year as a very unique experience."



Hell hath no fury like a Thai woman scorned

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 04/06/2017

» It's been a busy news week with all sorts of issues jostling for attention, but not a single Thai man skipped over the news from Phayao last Saturday. It was the story of the wife who cut off her husband's penis. He and the severed appendage were whisked off to nearby Pong Hospital.



Freedom of expression through sound

Guru, Catherine Faulder, Published on 06/05/2016

» Sunju Hargun has been deejaying for over 13 years now. His music is fully charged with a dark future techno sound that carries a varied spectrum of musical influences. Have a listen on to really gauge the unique depth of his sound and remember to turn them speakers right up!



The sweet life

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 19/04/2016

» Desserts are a form of culture. They are more than just food since they mirror history and civilisations. In some countries, desserts were even used to save cities from invaders, such as when the Chinese put secret messages for their allies inside moon cakes during wartime. In various cultures, desserts are integral to religious ceremonies, rituals and festivities and also symbolise friendship.