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How China beats the US at progress with clean air

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 22/12/2016

» As Beijing and more than 20 other cities in northern China have been plunged into another winter air-pollution crisis, with choking, toxic air and many people afraid to wander outside, observers wonder when China will start making significant progress on this problem. But there is some good news, namely that when it comes to clean air improvements, China probably is ahead of the historic pace of the US at a comparable stage of economic development.



Coups don't depress economic growth

News, Tyler Cowen, Published on 19/07/2016

» As the chaos in Turkey is starting to clear, investors are asking what the failed coup might mean for the country's economic future. The news stories show many conflicting elements in play, and right now it is hard to make specific verifiable claims about what the country can expect. We can, however, turn to the broader historical record, and that suggests failed coup attempts against democratic governments don't much lower subsequent rates of economic growth in those countries.