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Good habits result in graceful ageing

Life, Kanokporn Chanasongkram, Published on 30/01/2023

» Following the bunnies of wood, fire, earth and metal, the water rabbit made a comeback last Sunday with the beginning of the Lunar New Year.



Emojis for 2021

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 05/03/2021

» If Clubhouse isn't enough to make Samsung fanboys considering abandoning Android for iOS, a new set of emojis may. It has been recently reported that iPhone users can look forwards to 217 new emojis that they can use to expand their emojinication (emoji + communication) with. These new ideogrammatic icons include a revamped version of the syringe icon to be bloodless to go with 2021 as the year of Covid-19 vaccination, obvi. The normal black headphone icon will turn white and look like Apple AirPods Max. Three new smileys. Two new hearts. A bunch of bearded men/women in different skin tones (Because why not?). And multiple pairs of couples with a mix of skin tones for interracial lovebirds.



Tech show at malls reopening

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 22/05/2020

» Malls reopening on Sunday has brought with it many curious things, besides the possibility of selling your privacy to the govt just to get in, multiple checking-in-and-out you need to do while hitting different shops and cardboard dragons as your new dining companions. While strolling and practising social distancing, one may also come across innovations that have been put in place as part of the new shopping norm. It seems like major malls are trying to get one up on each other in terms of high-tech measures against Covid-19 to put shoppers' minds at ease. At the risk of sounding like a mall maniac (and being a free ad for malls), here are a few examples of technology spotted at various mall reopenings for your curiosity. Their effectiveness against Covid-19 (or originality) may not be guaranteed but their gimmicky effect is.


19 Signs You're a Thai '90s Kid

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 30/09/2016

» Every generation has it quirks. Let's take a trip down memory lane.