Showing 1-10 of 19 results


    What's the right kind of love for King and country?

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 05/12/2015

    » When it comes to fierce, honest debates, the clashing of opposing ideas and rousing Churchillian speeches, nobody does it better than the British House of Commons.


    Charter to deal us a crippling blow

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 01/09/2015

    » After scanning through what might be Thailand's 20th constitution in more than 80 years, I have to say, in my view it is a nasty piece of work. Imagine the most conniving characters in all of fiction, like Cruella de Vil, Fagin, Lex Luther and Hamlet, got together and decided to write a new constitution for Thailand. This draft would easily be something they could have come up with.


    Thailand needs a new constitution free from fear

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 18/08/2015

    » In the entire history of the world, human beings have come up with some pretty outrageous ideas, like the man who solved the problem of his low ceiling by chopping off his legs. In my view, the Constitution Drafting Committee's (CDC) so-called crisis committee, inserted in the draft constitution, is a far worse idea. The Borwornsak draft constitution has hit a new low, because the crisis committee will essentially attempt to institutionalise military coups. It will seek to legitimise the illegitimate and make lawful what is inherently unlawful, which is an abomination to the very concept and study of law. It is nothing less than constitutional heresy!


    The silence is deafening

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 07/07/2015

    » What kind of society is the junta creating when the peaceful "New Democracy Movement" protesters, all in their early twenties, are jailed without due process, to have their fate decided on by a military tribunal? Without any doubt the junta's behaviour in this matter is utterly deplorable. But what is soul-destroying is the comfortable silence from certain sections of our society. You can almost hear a pin drop. The leader of the Democrat Party? Not a sound. Venerable statesmen? Not a squeak. Or maybe the rector of Thammasat University would like to voice his objection? Not a single word. Ladies and gentlemen, right or wrong, the only people that have demonstrated any courage at all through this episode are the 14 kids in jail, while the adults hide.


    Thailand needs an informed citizenry

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 11/06/2015

    » The concept of citizenship is fundamental to the principles of democratic governance. The two go hand in hand. The democratic state can basically be reduced down to the citizen, and citizens can only exist under the auspices of a democratic state. Without delving into political theory, it is this "social contract" which defines the relationship between a citizen and the state.


    We can learn from Selma marches

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 12/03/2015

    » This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Selma to Montgomery marches which were led by Rev Martin Luther King Jr and many other civil rights activists. These three marches by ordinary American men and women, mostly of African descent, still stand as historical landmarks of the triumph of the human spirit over grave injustice and the dark forces of segregation.


    It's in the regime's best interests not to silence students

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 04/12/2014

    » I'm sure we have all heard the prime minister utter the following words in one form or another: "Please understand that I'm trying to do what's best for the country. Just trust me and let me get on with doing my job."


    Army must not let history repeat itself

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 21/05/2014

    » Writing an article in the midst of martial law is not the most intelligent thing to do. But I’m going to do it anyway because I believe what I’m about to write is in the public interest.


    Abhisit’s indecent proposal offers absolutely nothing

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 07/05/2014

    » Since Abhisit Vejjajiva’s career relaunch on YouTube, he has been busy rubbing shoulders with the good and the great, insisting he has a proposal to end our political deadlock and a plan to take us to the “promised land”.


    Nine points to help you decide if you’re a Democrat

    News, Songkran Grachangnetara, Published on 24/04/2014

    » Admittedly, most, if not all of my friends, religiously vote for the Democrat Party come rain or shine. Therefore, I’ve been rather fascinated by the question of what kind of traits or attributes a typical Democrat possesses. So, for what it’s worth, here is a small list I’ve compiled to help readers determine whether they are Democrats.

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