Search Result for “Constitution”

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All men are not created equal

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 29/01/2012

» If a referendum were to be held on the lese majeste law _ Article 112 of the Criminal Code _ the overwhelming majority of people would be in favour of it. They would say there is no need for an amendment, and that it definitely should not be abolished. I have no proof for this claim; it is merely an opinion, though I would like to see it put to the test just for fun.



Will there be blood?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 05/02/2012

» In 2012, the question most often put to me is not "Voranai, how are you?" Or, "Hey there, may I have your pin number?" Nope, it's "Will there be violence?" I'm not clairvoyant but I do know that fate is inexorable, so let's consider this.



Hard ball hovers

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 12/02/2012

» There's democracy and then there's Thai-style democracy. The former involves, at least in theory, human rights, freedom, equality and the rule of law. The latter means we like all that wonderful stuff well enough, but there are more important matters that define who we are.



Shall we dance?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 25/03/2012

» Miss Reconciliation, she's a tease, a swaying exotic dancer, enticing, inviting; a closer inspection, however, will reveal that she's but a drag queen. But when Ms Reconciliation sings, oh how the academics, activists, politicians and media promptly dance to her tune The latest beat is supplied by the reconciliation paper from King Prajadhipok's Institute (KPI), and everyone is two-stepping dutifully, to the window, to the wall.



Cults of personality

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 01/04/2012

» Hero worshipping is a part of every culture. From great warlords to visionary leaders, religious prophets and yes, pop idols, their names and deeds are written in history, perpetuating cults of personality, though invariably with heavy revisions and colourful additions. Mankind rarely lets truth get in the way of a good story.



Liberty and justice for who?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 08/04/2012

» So when it is a societal norm for one man to crawl to serve another, how can there be freedom and justice in such a society?



The godfather tradition lives on

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 17/06/2012

» People continue to be astounded by a series of polls in which most respondents say they don't mind government corruption as long as they also benefit. The latest poll this month had 63.4% of respondents expressing the view. The poll in January this year had 64.7%.



Who's your daddy?

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 08/07/2012

» If you ever get into a haggling match with somebody, you should accuse that person of plotting to overthrow the monarchy. Street vendor try to pull one over on you? That's a plot to overthrow the monarchy. A police officer tries to write you a ticket? Plot to overthrow the monarchy. Girl won't give you her phone number? A plot to overthrow the monarchy. This is the surest way to get things to go your way in this, my dearest, Kingdom.



Two field marshals and a billionaire

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 15/07/2012

» A plot to overthrow the monarchy _ that is what the PAD has been calling any move initiated by Thaksin Shinawatra from the time the yellow shirts took to the streets in 2005 up until the Constitution Court ruling on Friday. Where does this fear, hysteria even, come from? Perhaps it's because there have already been two successful plots against the monarchy.



Belonging: An offer they can't refuse

News, Voranai Vanijaka, Published on 22/07/2012

» There's a sense of belonging and purpose, a feeling of family, a direction in life, causes to stand up for and friends who support you.