Search Result for “jobs”

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New chatbot can do a lot, but can you trust it?

Life, James Hein, Published on 18/01/2023

» Over the New Year break, I was digging a bit more into artificial intelligence and especially how the ChatGPT can be used and how it could affect society.


Surprisingly, your personal data isn't safe with Facebook

Life, James Hein, Published on 10/10/2018

» Facebook has been in the news recently having large numbers of public profiles harvested by marketing conglomerates. Estimates from this incident alone range from 50 to 90 million users and there may be a lot more. The "more" part comes from the user search and account recovery features that may have been abused to scrape up to 2 billion or more accounts. In other words, if you are on Facebook and have any kind of public profile someone has more info on you than you might like. The feature has since been turned off but not before a lot of information went to the marketers.


Microsoft Paint might be fading

Life, James Hein, Published on 02/08/2017

» What is the one program you can count on to be in Windows, apart from say Minesweeper? Microsoft Paint. It's the poor man's drawing tool and screen capture tool where it is as simple as Alt-Printscreen, Start-Run MSPaint, CTRL-V, Crop Marquee Select Crop, CTRL-A CTRL-C, Switch to email and CTRL–V to get something from your screen into an email (or anything else).


Even writers need to think before tweeting

Life, James Hein, Published on 16/08/2017

» Without the internet, there would only ever be part of a story. Consider the recent example of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling. She watched an edited video and then took to the internet using her fame to decry the treatment of a small child by a prominent leader. Her concerns were quickly and widely spread but the unedited footage showed the opposite. Even the mother of the child finally got involved and asked the internet to please tell J.K. Rowling that she was wrong. At the time of writing Rowling had apologised to the mother but not the leader she smeared. In the current fast pace and instant Twitter-response world it is important to take a step back and do some personal investigation before reacting, often incorrectly, to a flash tweet or news story. If you see a clip try and find the full or unedited version, that extra time can save you from future embarrassment, though some personalities seem to be immune to it.



Signed, sealed, delivered

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 29/07/2015

» Messenger services have become a valuable part of modern life, especially in a bustling city like Bangkok.



Niche-specific software

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 17/09/2014

» Home-grown software designers have been keeping up with the trend for mobile applications which cater to specific age groups or are aimed at people who share a common interest.


MS file converters

Database, Published on 22/09/2010

» Further on the subject of docx, xlsx and other formats for the latest version of MS Office. I had the same problem but instead of viewers, which are only that, I downloaded from Microsoft's website a full collection of File Format Converters which convert the format on the fly as you try to open a xlsx or docx file in an older version of Office. They work very well, although features which exist only in the new format will not fully display. It's a huge 37MB download, but well worth it if you receive a lot of those modern documents on an ancient system like mine.