Search Result for “club owners”

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The rise of consumer cryptocurrency

News, Published on 26/02/2024

» Since its inception with the launch of Bitcoin in 2008, blockchain technology has gone through numerous cycles of public attention. Over time, growing interest and investment in the best-known cryptocurrencies has led to greater acceptance, as highlighted by the US Securities and Exchange Commission's approval of a spot Bitcoin ETF (exchange-traded fund) in January. While blockchains and their associated "crypto" assets have yet to be adopted by a truly broad base of consumers, that is starting to change, owing to a shift in how these technologies are being used.



Revelations in Convent

Life, Vanniya Sriangura, Published on 19/01/2018

» Soi Convent has a strange pull. Crawling with office workers by day, it welcomes drinkers and diners by night. At one end is a cloistered convent protected by high walls, at the other a hospital and a church, and in between a motley selection of an Irish pub, street stalls, cafés, bars, dessert shops, dining venues, a som tam joint and an all-girls school. Flanked by the gaudy lights of Patpong and the business-minded Sathorn, the 800m soi in the busy financial district has a discreet but unfailing, perennial charm.