Search Result for “$3 million”

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Fit and fab

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 14/10/2014

» It's not like TV channels today are devoid of reality shows. In fact, we have so many that the concepts are becoming quite redundant. It took a lot of courage for Fitness First to launch yet another reality TV show in the Asian market.


In the pink

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 25/10/2014

» Pink ribbons — and the colour pink in general — have long been a symbol of breast cancer awareness, expressing moral support for those who are going through the illness and encouraging all women to take care of their breasts.



The fruits of collaboration

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 11/09/2014

» Thailand's three southernmost provinces, Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat, are often regarded in a negative light thanks to ongoing unrest. But they are home to many great cultures, travel destinations and high-quality agricultural products.


Fauna-friendly fashion

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 27/09/2014

» The 10-day Vegetarian Festival which started last Wednesday and ends on Thursday is a good time to think about our consumption, not only of food but also in more general terms; about the impact that our lifestyle has on the lives of other creatures who share this world with us.


A traditional tool for the non-traditional

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 17/02/2015

» Separation is hard on the couple, but it can be even harder on the kids. They are labelled children of "broken homes". They are perceived as "troubled kids". People assume that they don't get enough love and are more inclined to turn out bad. The worst part is that if the society lets such terrible assumptions continue, the kids will start to believe they are true. That can't be a good thing for our society.



Break a sweat, not the bank

Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 19/02/2016

» Oh, how we all dream of having a flat stomach, toned arms and the endurance of Usain Bolt. The problem with making that dream come true is we have too many excuses. Signing up at a gym? No money. Running in the park? Too hot. Swimming? Too wet. Yoga at home? No time. Ice cream? Oh, yes.



Guru, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 01/01/2016

» Another year has come around, and apart from being a year older, I do not really feel any real change coming. The weather will still be record-breakingly hot and humid in March. Winter will refuse to arrive in November. It's just so predictable.



Blood, sweat and tweets

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 28/03/2015

» Exercise is great, but our creativity to come up with excuses not to exercise sometimes stops us from taking that step. Having no time to exercise is the biggest excuse people give. With Nike+ Training Club (NTC) app, you are going to need to come up with a new excuse.



The business of marriage

Muse, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 14/02/2015

» Influenced by fairytales and Hollywood chick flicks, modern-day girls grow up dreaming of meeting Mr Right and sealing their love story in romantic matrimony. When that moment comes, it only makes sense for them to go “all out” to get their dream wedding. Economic recession or not, the fairy-tale wedding project is on.



Wake up call from the weight loss dream

Life, Napamon Roongwitoo, Published on 02/12/2014

» A27-year-old woman was in the news last week after it was revealed she had made around 500 million baht in just three years from selling diet pills.