Search Result for “young men”

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A country so different to anywhere else

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/08/2021

» The dramatic events in Afghanistan inevitably sparked memories of my own brief experiences of the country more than 50 years ago while on an overland trip from London to New Delhi and beyond.


The eyes have it in the big cover-up

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 09/05/2021

» Coming from our Not Particularly Surprising News Department is a report that owing to the Covid pandemic lipstick sales have slumped quite markedly. With most people wearing masks there seems little point for the ladies to bother with lipstick.


Possibly the worst job in the world?

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 01/11/2020

» On the day Americans went to the polls four years ago the Miami Herald ran what must have been its shortest-ever editorial which simply read: "Her, Not Him, Enough Said". In light of what ensued, it must have been tempting to blame the proof-readers and come out the next day with: "Correction: Him Not Her."


Experiencing the 'Self-Isolation Blues'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 22/03/2020

» I had been hoping not to mention THE VIRUS this week, but it is impossible to escape from it as it has become so overwhelming. The saturation coverage on international TV channels is enough to make you ill, even if you were feeling fine. It's almost like all those dreadful dystopian films we've been subjected to in recent years have come to be a grim reality


Shake hands on it… on second thoughts

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 15/03/2020

» I was at a recent gathering with friends in Bangkok where the customary handshakes were replaced by a variety of awkward fist bumps, elbow nudges, foot-shakes, waving of arms and other silly ways of saying "hello". But there were definitely no nose-to-nose greetings. Not shaking hands with your closest friends is probably the most noticeable example of how the Covid-19 crisis has affected everyday life. Even Britain's Queen Elizabeth has let it be known that she will not be shaking hands with anyone "for the foreseeable future".


A triumph of imagination over intelligence

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 16/02/2020

» I am not a huge fan of Valentine's Day, but considering the awful events of recent weeks, a bit of "love", however contrived, was a welcome break from the daily diet of depressing news. So this week, it feels like an appropriate time to dwell on matters of the heart, as long as it is not a cardiac arrest.



When the president said 'sock it to me'

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 04/08/2019

» My apologies for unwittingly being the purveyor of fake news in last week's column, mistakenly crediting Goldie Hawn with the "sock it to me" catchphrase from the Laugh-In show. It was actually the English actress Judy Carne who was the regular "sock it to me" girl, although Hawn did also come out with the expression on occasions.



The Thai Blob is spreading its wings

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 27/01/2019

» Many readers will be familiar with the long-running Adventures of the Blob on certain Thai TV channels in the war against cigarettes. When movies are shown, the blob races around the screen in pursuit of rogue cigarettes and attempts to blob them out to protect defenceless viewers. Unsurprisingly, the ridiculous blob only succeeds in irritating the TV audience. The absurdity of it all was highlighted recently during a gangster movie in which nearly everyone in the room was smoking. This prompted a squadron of blobs to go whizzing across the screen, fighting a losing battle and reducing a supposedly serious scene into a foggy farce.



A long flight for the paper plane pilot

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 14/10/2018

» It was pleasing to see that Mong Thongdee's dream of becoming a Thai citizen appears to have finally come true. Nine years ago Mr Mong made the headlines as a 12-year-old when he won the Thailand paper plane championships. However, he was devastated after being told he could not represent the kingdom at the international tournament in Japan because he was stateless, his parents being immigrants from Myanmar.



A look back at another 'amazing' year

News, Roger Crutchley, Published on 31/12/2017

» It is customary at this time of the year to take a not too serious look back on the past 12 months, although there are some events you may well prefer to forget. If nothing else it will serve as a reminder that Thailand will always be Truly Amazing.