Search Result for “year 12”

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Next-gen politicians offer hope

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 18/03/2018

» Thailand today is witnessing the rise of a new breed of younger political aspirants who look to shake up the old-fashioned establishment.



Beware of the bull

Spectrum, Umesh Pandey, Published on 21/01/2018

» 'Sell your house and buy stocks," a banker told Spectrum over dinner a few months ago.



Riches beyond resources

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 15/01/2018

» 'Come, come, grab a seat. We've each been taking turns talking about what we've seen in Thailand over the past week, the lessons we've learned and how we can apply them in life or business."



Government must finally keep poll promise

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 31/12/2017

» As we come to an end of an eventful year that marked changes Thailand has not seen in decades, the country and the world is looking upon the military to live up to its promises of holding elections and handing back power to the rightful owners -- the Thai people.



Stacking the deck doomed to failure

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 24/12/2017

» After months of waiting, Thailand's political sector saw light at the end of the tunnel but that ray of hope came in the form of the use of Section 44 with an announcement by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha on Friday.



Government reshuffle offers hope

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 26/11/2017

» The much-awaited fifth reshuffle of the Prayut Chan-o-cha government was announced late on Friday and although many had anticipated a deeper reduction in the number of men in uniform, the fact that a quarter of these men in green were let go was in itself an achievement.



Longevity in power is no cure-all

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 19/11/2017

» A common theme of two elder statesmen who were in Bangkok on Thursday to attend the Bangkok Post's first international forum was that leaders need to be in power longer than just one term of 4-5 years so that the policies they implement are longer-term in nature and can help countries move forward.



Thailand must pass English test

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 12/11/2017

» It would not come as a surprise to anybody that the latest English proficiency index showed that Thailand's standing remained close to where it was a year ago. Thailand was ranked 53rd out of 80 non-native English-speaking countries and territories in the EF English Proficiency Index 2017. This was a slight improvement from its 56th position out of 72 countries in 2016 and 62nd place out of 70 countries in 2015.



Rail project right on time for election

News, Umesh Pandey, Published on 18/06/2017

» The government of Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha late into the week came out to say Section 44 will be used to expedite the construction of the long-delayed 252-kilometre railway linking Bangkok to Nakhon Ratchasima.



Decisive and diversified

Asia focus, Umesh Pandey, Published on 24/04/2017

» Many critics wrote off Kumar Mangalam Birla when he took the helm of one of India's leading businesses as a 28-year-old rookie. But the reviews in recent years have been mostly positive for the man who has helped build a conglomerate that is among the world leaders in the fields in which it operates.