Search Result for “year”

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Pride proud

Guru, Suthivas Tanphaibul, Published on 11/06/2021

» Nothing screams Pride month louder than the rainbow palette popping up all over Bangkok. Celebrating the LGBTQIA+ community throughout the world annually, June is when people can proudly carry a flag for diversity and visibility of groups of people, who have been mariginalised in daily life. While the LGBTQIA+ community in Thailand enjoys a lot of visibility, it doesn't mean they've never faced any challenges. Guru has gathered noted figures of the community to share their pride with us.



Theatres of politics

Life, Alongkorn Parivudhiphongs, Published on 02/12/2020

» Last month was apparently a month of theatre politics. At the height of political unrest due to ongoing protests and gatherings, two university productions staged biographical plays and poetry-driven body movements. Meanwhile, the Bangkok Theatre Festival was also the host of political satires and parodies.



'Deaf' Western beggars deserve a right earful

B Magazine, Andrew Biggs, Published on 10/12/2017

» There has been a commotion this past week in the media over the appearance of two attractive young Westerners begging for money at an intersection in Klong Toey in Bangkok. Just four days ago, the Bangkok Post published a photograph of one of them, a woman, clutching a bunch of Thai flags and trying to flog them off car window to car window. There was a man as well.



We didn't start the fire

Guru, Mika Apichatsakol, Published on 10/03/2017

» People, it's not even April yet, and the city feels as though it's been chosen as the launch site for the opening of the gates of hell. Stay cool and hydrated. Make this your daily mantra. This, we're serious about. But as you sip your sweet ice coffee under some air-conditioned refuge, we offer you a light-hearted recap of a few funny, exciting or random bits of news that are theoretical and totally scientific explanations of why this country is so ******* hot right now!



Flying the flag

Life, Arusa Pisuthipan, Published on 13/10/2015

» Going vegetarian, the old style


Land of the rising samba

Life, Noel Maclean, Published on 02/12/2014

» Panorama restaurant has been quietly picking up plaudits for bringing originality to the Bangkok buffet scene.