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Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day

Published on 08/09/2023

» Thailand, September 7, 2023 – Shopee, a leading e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan kick-starts the year-end shopping festival with the iconic ‘Shopee 9.9 Super Shopping Day’. For the eighth consecutive year, Shopee continues to offer its users with deals, promotions and much awaited entertainment under concept “the best shopping experience at Shopee 9.9’ this year. The platform also creates opportunities and empowered brands’ and sellers’ online business in their continued growth.


Education system a sham

News, Postbag, Published on 19/09/2021

» Over the years, hundreds if not thousands a letters have been written to PostBag bemoaning the dreadful state of education in Thailand.



National heritage sites get smart app boost

Life, Karnjana Karnjanatawe, Published on 07/01/2021

» The Fine Arts Department has launched an AR Smart Heritage app which will allow visitors to explore national heritage sites in a more fun way and with more knowledge.



The Risk of trade secret misappropriation during work-from-home arrangements

Published on 05/08/2020

» While we've all seen how quickly life has changed during the pandemic, from a business and HR angle the possibility of intellectual property misappropriation and theft occasioned by work-from-home policies may not yet be clear to many. With many employees working outside their company's normal IT security fence, their increased use of their own computers and devices instead of those in their offices with standard or enhanced security mechanisms has made it more challenging for employers to control access to key business information.



Don't rain on my parade

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 03/07/2020

» It's a sad twist of fate that as quarantine restrictions have lifted, the rainy season is upon us. There may be many who want to get out and about, perhaps even the introverts like me may want just a tiny bit of socialising. But don't let the rain dampen your mood. If you and your friends want to hang out and have some fun, Guru's got a few fun spots even if it's raining cats and dogs.



Unfounded beliefs

News, Postbag, Published on 22/02/2020

» Re: "Historic ruling offers pro-choice hope", (Opinion, Feb 21).



Culinary crash course

Guru, Pornchai Sereemongkonpol, Published on 20/12/2019

» I remember back when no kids would say they wanted to grow up and become a chef. Fast forward to the present day when becoming a chef has become a career of choice (with a side of celebrity) for many. Whether you aspire to be an Iron Chef, Masterchef, Top Chef, executive chef of a five-star hotel, chef-patron of a Michelin-starred restaurant (or just a better home cook), you can kick-start your culinary journey at Dusit Thani College.



The glue doesn't stick

News, Postbag, Published on 16/06/2019

» The excuse that the "skewed scales must have been due to poor glueing during its making" offered by the director of the Chumpholphonphisai School in explanation for the controversial Wai Kru flower arrangements as reported in the Bangkok Post's June 15 edition, is priceless.



Phuket's hidden pearl

Life, Pongpet Mekloy, Published on 09/05/2019

» During one of last year's downhill mountain biking competitions, there was a new team participating. The group was made up of skilled riders I had never met before. They were from Phuket. I must admit I wasn't aware that the Pearl of the Andaman is home to an active community of downhillers. Where's their training ground?



Being legal doesn't mean it's just

News, Postbag, Published on 29/04/2018

» Re: "Regime must forget 'face' and do right thing".