Search Result for “workout”

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In harmony with nature

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 08/10/2015

» In Kaeng Khoi district, Saraburi, 125km from Bangkok, is a lesser-known park designed in an English cottage garden style that is well on its way to becoming a role model for other public parks in terms of environmental friendliness.


Stressed? You're having a laugh

Life, Pichaya Svasti, Published on 25/08/2015

» A few months ago, I read a funny post on Facebook about laughing on social media in different languages. Thais prefer "55555" while the Japanese type "www", which is derived from the word "warai". Korean people write "kkkkk", the Spanish "jajaja" and the Portuguese "huehuehue" or "rsrsrsrs". For people in Denmark and Iceland, they use "ha ha, hi hi, hae hae, ho ho, ti hi" while Russians use "haha xaxa, hihi xnxn, hehe xexe" and it is "xa xa xa" in Hebrew. Interestingly, French people laugh "hahaha, héhéhé, hihihi, hohoho" or "MDR" (mort de rire) meaning "dying of laughter".