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Kim living a dream at Genesis Invitational

Sports, Published on 16/02/2023

» Dreams are often made in Tinseltown, or maybe it's where they come true.



A journey of love

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 13/08/2021

» When a friend can no longer complete a promise made to a past sweetheart, you decide to take his place and set out on a wild adventure to fulfil your friend's lifelong dream. For computer-animated and musical films, this premise is nothing new and you have seen it countless times, especially in Pixar movies like Up (2009), Inside Out (2015) and the Toy Story franchise.



Netflix Movies Turn Up in a Surprising Place: Theaters

Business, Published on 17/05/2021

» The nation's movie theaters are running out of movies. Some are turning to an unlikely source for more: Netflix Inc.



2020 winners & losers in geek

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 25/12/2020

» The year of 'Rona meant a lot of changes in the way we do things hence the term "new normal", and Geekdom wasn't left unscathed. However, that doesn't necessarily mean it was all bad. There are things we enjoyed watching this year with all the time we had on our hands and fan events that we "attended" right in the comfort of our own home that we wouldn't be able to normally attend. At the same time, there were some things that sadly suffered because of the pandemic and a certain something that fell flat despite all the hype. Here's the winners and losers of 2020 in geek.


Should you innovate with your customers? (part 1)

Business, Detlef Reis, Published on 19/09/2020

» To what extent should innovators listen to customers' ideas and suggestions? There are proponents and opponents of involving customers in innovation endeavours. In the first of this two-part series, we'll hear from each camp and explore different situations that may influence their arguments. The second part will propose some possible solutions to reconcile the different views.



Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 14/02/2020

» January is often the dumping ground for bad movies. It's a slow month at the box office in the run up to the Oscars, and many studios take the opportunity to release low quality titles, some of which may have been collecting dust on the shelf for years. Released on Jan 3 in the US, The Grudge is the latest in this long, tiresome tradition of beginning-of-the-year trash.



2019 winners & losers in geek

Guru, Eric E Surbano, Published on 27/12/2019

» Another year has come and gone, which means another year filled with geeky events, some good and some bad. From TV finales to movie deaths, there's a bunch of stuff that happened this year that you may have forgotten so we're here to help you out. Let's take a look back at 2019, geek-wise.



Spider-Man reaches incredible heights

Life, Tatat Bunnag, Published on 05/07/2019

» After all the mass destruction and resurrection in Avengers: Endgame, Marvel fans spent months wondering exactly what would happen next in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) once the epic battle had finally concluded.


Taking that One Shot

Published on 20/03/2018

» Thai lifestyle photographer, Khun Tommy takes on the All-in-one Shot Challenge with his trusted Sony RX100V



Accessibility is the key for redesigned VOD app

Life, Sasiwimon Boonruang, Published on 19/10/2016

» Having studied the pattern among Thai audiences for more than a year, the video-on-demand service HOOQ has introduced a new mobile app.