Search Result for “theft charges”

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It's the corruption, stupid

News, Alan Dawson, Published on 27/05/2018

» After promising the nation a Mercedes Benz C-500 of an anti-regime protest, activists produced a three-owner 2007 Toyota Corolla gathering. It impressed and struck fear into the hearts of, well, no one.



Beware the cyber warriors

News, Editorial, Published on 17/05/2018

» Recently, our authorities have admitted that Thailand needs to improve cyber security standards against hackers. Yet the government over the past four years has mainly hunted down other groups of "violators" -- political dissidents and lese majeste offenders.



Update the computer law

News, Editorial, Published on 18/04/2018

» If events over the past two weeks do not convince the government to write an actual law covering computer fraud, maybe nothing will. The first unfortunate event was to threaten a Chiang Mai magazine editor with a computer crime charge over something that had nothing to do with computers (or crime, come to that). The second was the reluctant admission by the country's second mobile phone company of security misbehaviour, putting tens of thousands of customers at risk. That is not a crime.



Winnie Mandela: A lifetime of struggle and scandal

News, Christopher Torchia, Published on 04/04/2018

» Even the name given to Winnie Madikizela-Mandela at birth -- Nomzamo, "one who undergoes trials" -- foretold a life of struggle.


Activating one's moral compass

Life, Yvonne Bohwongprasert, Published on 02/04/2018

» Not a day goes by that we don't read about corruption scandals in the newspapers. The most despicable are often the ones in which the victims are society's downtrodden.



Transport fix needed

News, Postbag, Published on 30/03/2018

» Re: "Merger of Grab and Uber drive monopoly, pricing concerns", (BP, March 27).


Can new leader rescue flawed ANC?

News, William Saunderson-Meyer, Published on 21/12/2017

» After a bruising battle that engaged ordinary South Africans in a manner reminiscent of the heady combination of fear and hope that galvanised the country after Nelson Mandela was released from 27 years of incarceration in 1990, Mandela's ruling African National Congress party has chosen a new leader to try to lift the country's veil of sleaze.



Media turn murder into one big circus

News, Atiya Achakulwisut, Published on 06/06/2017

» There is extreme hatred and unchecked condemnation, horror and loathing. Emotions definitely run high as the karaoke girl murder case keeps unfolding while questions about the standard of the police's work, their treatment of murder suspects and the country's criminal justice process in general explode.



Public trust takes a knock

News, Editorial, Published on 08/05/2017

» A large step back from public trust occurred last week. It is difficult to say which situation is worse, that the government has moved the country's financial crime-fighting guru in a high-profile investigation, or that it took more than a year to do it. Either way, the decision to move to the PM's Office the Anti-Money Laundering Office former chief Seehanat Prayoonrat is a shock. Authorities must explain the details.



Being rich is still the best defence of all

News, Surasak Glahan, Published on 29/03/2017

» As I was preparing to leave home yesterday morning to meet a group of poor and landless people at a forum and hear their stories of injustice, the Associated Press was reporting a story on the Red Bull heir, who hit a policeman with his car. The headline was "'Red Bull killer' found living the good life".